by mops Moderator 09 May 2015

You may remember I made 29 cards for my daughter back in February when she came to see us. Today is the birthday party and as I could not come and visit my daughter sent me this picture of one of the cakes she made using the same design. Looks yummy, does not it.


by laffma1 12 May 2015

Yes, looks delicious. She did a terrific job decorating this cake. Very professional looking. Hope the children had as much fun at the party as you and your daughter did preparing for it.

by lbrow 12 May 2015

Yes it does! She has done a wonderful job. I do believe she has some of her mother's artistic talent. To me you are an artist with your machines. Hugs/Lillian

by Leaha 10 May 2015

The cards are really cute. Did she make 29 cakes also? Talent runs in the family, such a clever idea

mops by mops 11 May 2015

No, just two large ones as she was a bit pressed for time. There will be a second party for the Norwegian kids (this one was for the Dutch and English friends), and she intends to make individual cakes then.

Leaha by Leaha 11 May 2015

How fun!

by clawton 10 May 2015

It does look yummy! Your card are very nice also. May a great theme.

by airyfairy 10 May 2015

What a wonderful cake. So clever and I bet it tasted delicious.

by noah 09 May 2015

Love it and yes it looks yummy hugs

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by gerryvb edited 09 May 2015

sorry you cannot be there with them. But it's so nice the cake she made fits the cards. great combination. Congratulations. Hope your HB is improving and you can go for a belated birthdayparty .

1 comment
mops by mops 09 May 2015

Esther considers coming over next week with Ruth, which would be so nice.

by joansatx 09 May 2015

Success with a good feeling inside... Well done and fun!

1 comment
mops by mops 09 May 2015

Thank you. It was nice to get pictures of her cakes and I loved sharing this one. I should perhaps make an appliqué design of it..

by jrob Moderator 09 May 2015

You must be disappointed that you missed this party, especially since you worked so hard on making it happen, but what an inspiration you were! That cake is too perfect to eat. That creative apple certainly didn't fall too far from the tree. I hope you got lots of other wonderful pictures of the festivities. Happy Birthday to the 6 year old!

mops by mops 09 May 2015

Thank you. Today was the Dutch / English party, maybe I'll fly to be with her at the Norwegian one later in the month: new cakes, new fun. Although I very much doubt I'll be able to follow the conversation of a bunch of 6 year olds speaking Norwegian. I am just about able to order a meal or a hotel room or ask for the nearest bank not very useful at the children's party. :)

cfidl by cfidl 09 May 2015

I am confused. What language do you speak if it is not Norwegian?

cfidl by cfidl 09 May 2015

I had to go look at a map. Wow!

by crafter2243 Moderator 09 May 2015

I can see that the craft gene was passed along. Beautiful. It is sad that you could not be there. I hope husband is doing OK.

1 comment
mops by mops 09 May 2015

Thank you! He's doing OK so I just enjoy being with him.

by lidiad 09 May 2015

Wow, congratulations to your daughter!
Hugs, Lidia

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mops by mops 09 May 2015

Thank you.

by dragonflyer 09 May 2015

Looks wonderful...I bet it was yummy, too!

1 comment
mops by mops 09 May 2015

Thank you.

by 02kar Moderator 09 May 2015

I can see where your daughter gets her crafting talent. Your cards are stunning and the cake is amazing. I'm so sorry you did not get to go to the party.

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mops by mops 09 May 2015

Thank you. There will be other occasions, just happy hubby is OK.

by pennifold 09 May 2015

Well done to your daughter Martine, the cake looks fabulous. Your cards were awesome as well. Love Chris

1 comment
mops by mops 09 May 2015

Thanks, I was pretty pleased seeing how she did this cake. The other one had a beautiful campfire with red and yellow fondant flames and beautiful pieces of wood made of flaky pastry.

by asterixsew Moderator 09 May 2015

Martine your daughter has made a great cake using your lovely card design. Hope its a great party

1 comment
mops by mops 09 May 2015

Thank you. I thought it looked amazing and was proud enough to show it.