by wider57 11 May 2015

How Many? I designed this up for my niece, who is a teacher. She has many children who face learning challenges and I thought this might help. She picked it up today and was so excited! She was going to take it home and play with it herself. She is going to take pictures of her class tomorrow and let me know how they like it. (She teaches a grade 1 / 2 split class). All the shapes/cars/flowers are made of vinyl and there are 10 of each so it took quite a while to sew, cut and put snaps on each of them. I am making 2 more 'boards' and counters. All the counters were designed and digitized by me, as well as the board.

Thanks for looking.


by jrob Moderator 13 May 2015

This is fabulous. It will get much use and be such a great learning tool.

1 comment
wider57 by wider57 14 May 2015

Thank you. I hope her students are enjoying it. I haven't had a chance to talk to her yet to see how it went.

by shuede 13 May 2015


1 comment
wider57 by wider57 14 May 2015


by vickiannette 13 May 2015

such dedication!

1 comment
wider57 by wider57 14 May 2015

Thanks. I love doing charity work like this. It is my way of giving back. I was a tutor through high school and probably should have become a teacher instead of a computer technician :-)

by sllakin 13 May 2015

What a great project! Also a lot off work for a worthy cause!

1 comment
wider57 by wider57 14 May 2015

It did take a bit to cut out and put the snaps on, but I had a lot of fun doing it.

by blueeyedblonde 13 May 2015

great idea!

1 comment
wider57 by wider57 14 May 2015


by Shyamala 13 May 2015

Great idea...very useful teaching aid. Hugs.

1 comment
wider57 by wider57 14 May 2015

Thanks. I'm thinking of selling my idea to a teaching website my niece told me about so that many can share in such a simple manner.

by weila 13 May 2015

Wow! Very much cool!
It is very necessary thing!

1 comment
wider57 by wider57 14 May 2015

Thank you.

by hightechgrammy 12 May 2015

Wow, is this ever neat! I taught first and second grades for lots of years, and this would have been wonderful!!! Oh my goodness you have a great design here! WOW

1 comment
wider57 by wider57 14 May 2015

I wish I'd thought of this years ago too. It was such a simple design and came to me while I was cutting out my zipper pulls one evening.

by mcarlton 12 May 2015

I just love this! I am a teacher of children with special needs and have to make one for my classroom. This is just great! Hugs and Thanks

1 comment
wider57 by wider57 14 May 2015

Glad you like it. I have sent you a pm about this.

by minnie 12 May 2015

Good job !
My sister and a niece are teachers with special needs children in the public school system. There are never enough resources available. They buy school supplies with their own money. But even more importantly, they take extra food everyday and started a clothing exchange to distribute to the kids in need.
I would appreciate more information on how this is made so I can offer to make for them. Is the board fabric or vinyl? Size? Batting? Thanks

1 comment
wider57 by wider57 14 May 2015

My niece also supplies the underprivileged children with socks, mitts and hats in the winter from her own pocket. I have sent you a pm about the board.

by cfidl 12 May 2015

Great idea! You could mass market it, if someone else with contacts already doesn't do it first!

by sjbrower 12 May 2015

What a wonderful idea. You are a very caring person to create something to help children get a bit ahead. Thanks for sharing your project with us.

1 comment
wider57 by wider57 12 May 2015

Thank you and you are welcome. This was a fun project.

by pldc 12 May 2015

wow this is fantastic! I can see that this would be a perfect learning tool for all kids with learning disabilities including our youngest grandson. He has severe Apraxia & Galactosemia. I am going to have to give this some thought so I can come up with one for him too. Thank you for caring enough about special needs children to make learning a bit easier for them & making it fun & clever too!~hugs Loralye~

pldc by pldc 12 May 2015

the quilted numbers are a perfect accompaniment too

wider57 by wider57 12 May 2015

Thank you and I sent you a pm

by dragonflyer 12 May 2015

What a great teaching aid this is...nice job!

1 comment
wider57 by wider57 12 May 2015


by joannmeyer 12 May 2015

How clever! Great job!

1 comment
wider57 by wider57 12 May 2015

Thank you. It was fun to make.

by lbrow 12 May 2015

Faaantastic job you have done! So many will reap the benefits of what you have taken the time to produce. New teaching tools are always needed by teachers for the mentally challenged and this one is great..On behalf of teachers everywhere I thank you for caring/Lillian

1 comment
wider57 by wider57 12 May 2015

Thank you for the compliments.

by sonjapotgieter 12 May 2015

Awesome idea...Great work...Lovely

1 comment
wider57 by wider57 12 May 2015

Thank you.

by tfk 12 May 2015

This is such a great idea and you have done it so well! :)
I love all the details....those little labelled pouches hanging by the hooks....the lovely colours of the assorted pieces....everything!

1 comment
wider57 by wider57 12 May 2015

Thanks. When I make items for kids I like to keep it bright and entertaining - keeps them occupied and sometimes even keeps them out of trouble :-)

by kezza2sew 12 May 2015

what a fabulous idea, and no doubt will get lots of use...great for hands on learning..well done.

1 comment
wider57 by wider57 12 May 2015

Thanks. The last teaching aid I made for her is still getting daily use and it has been 2 years.

by lidiad 12 May 2015

What a great idea, love it!
Hugs, :odoa

1 comment
wider57 by wider57 12 May 2015

Thank you. My niece thinks I should sell the idea on a teaching website she knows of.

by pennifold 12 May 2015

Well done Vida, the children will love this aid. And good on you for making this up and taking the time to display it and have it all spic and span for the kids who will be using it. Love Chris

1 comment
wider57 by wider57 12 May 2015

Thanks Chris. Besides teaching them counting, numbers, etc. I hope it also teaches them to pickup after themselves and put things away for the next day :-)

by Barbaric 11 May 2015

Just love it, my sister is a teacher who specializes with children with learning problems, who would benefit with something like this. Could you tell me what you used to attach your shapes please? Barbaric

pennifold by pennifold 12 May 2015

A big Aussie welcome from me Barbaric, I'm sure she will let you know what she used. Love Chris, Newcastle, Australia.

pldc by pldc 12 May 2015

welcome from Canada too & she mentions above that she put snaps on each of them, I hope that helps

wider57 by wider57 12 May 2015

pldc is right - I used clear Kam snaps so they would not get in the way of the colors and shapes. I have sent you a pm

by Leaha 11 May 2015

Way to go. They will love learning from these. great job.

1 comment
wider57 by wider57 12 May 2015

Thanks. I would love to see their faces when Mrs. H. pulls this out today.

by evilsoft 11 May 2015

Lucky Teacher to have such a helpful and artistic Aunt. Great work. I am sure many of her students will be helped. My son learned to count because when we had to wait for freight trains his Mom could not stop counting cars.

1 comment
wider57 by wider57 12 May 2015

I hope this does help. I tutored while in high school and learned quickly that everyone has a different way of learning.

by graceandham 11 May 2015

Excellent. Some kids learn best with manipulatives.

1 comment
wider57 by wider57 12 May 2015

My granddaughter is that way and I spent many an hour helping her through her learning difficulties. She saw it and played with it a bit too and had a good time and she's now 20 :-)

by noah 11 May 2015

Oh my this will be an awesome learning tool for those kids .
Excellent job Mom hugs

1 comment
wider57 by wider57 12 May 2015

Thanks. I can hardly wait to hear what the kids thought of it.