j'ai une idée :
lorsque les couleurs s'affichent sur ton écran, tu les changes afin de voir si elle correspondent au dessin que tu n'aime
et au changement de fils tu vas dans les points "sautés" et là tu avant les points jusqu'aux prochain changement de fils. pour ne garder que ton contour par exemple
il va falloir bien surveiller
bon courage dans ton projet
My machine has built-in shapes/frames, one of them is indeed rounded rectangles, does yours? If so, you could measure the size of your mobile phone and then play with your machine to enlarge the rectangle to the size of your phone plus a little larger so that you can get it into the pouch. You could embroider the rectangle on felt and then go over it with your sewing machine so that only 3 sides are sewn shut. Just a thought :)
Also I've added a link to a free digitising program for you if you want a free one, be aware though that all digitising software has a pretty steep learning curve at first but with perseverance you'll figure it out. The site also has tutorials to help you get started :)
The pix actually looks as if the pouch is made of felt. Looks simple enough to ''wing it'' on the sewing machine---add a design--satin stitch around with close zigzag
I think the top row is not essential but is there just to have the stitching continue along all 4 sides. The outline design is indeed very easy but you'd have to know exact measurements for all sorts of cell phones. I still have a not-at-all-smart one.
My phone's not smart either! I refuse to get a phone that knows more than I do!