Wishing you all the best, thinking of you and praying for you.
The power of the love of God and people will carry you through
Hugs - Maria
I'm late reading this, so a week has gone by and time does change things, so I hope it is better for you. You are so right about Him knowing our needs and asking for prayer.May God bless you-Toogie
Thank everyone for all the prayers...................... Still need them........ Hope everything works out for me........ Will let everyone know soon. Thanks Devon
Still praying. It helps! Had a flat tire this week and immediately had one driver going the other way stop to help change it. But, my spare was quite flat. Here come two firemen from around the corner fire station who said, just ease around into the station - we have a compressor! That was THREE helpers - angels in disguise. I just stood there and made pleasant conversation and handed out hand wipes!
Dear DeVon, God hears our deepest desires and answers all our requests. Thankfully he is only a whisper away. Prayers being said as I type this response. Love Chris
...and He will answer your prayers...and we will hold you in our hearts as well...
Please add mine also, take care. May He answer your needs in due time.
Prayers right now for you Devon!! Keep your chin up! Hugs, Laura*