Thanks so much for your help and advice, I was able to go to the edit section as suggested and found the cut and delete section, I was able to delete the words and add the ones I wanted, once again thanks for your help, when I get my machine back from its service I will stitch it out and post it here on the site for you to see, Trish
Hi Trish, I use 6D and can tell you how to do what you want. Check you PM (private messageges). It is not hard and I can tell you step by step.
Basically, you will open your design, then click on Copy and then open the Modify module and click Paste. Then you will uncheck the colors you do not want, then click on the "make block from visible" icon - open new window and Paste your new design into it and then export it as your file format.
Another option is to use Stitch Editor - most useful when the writing is in a colour block of its own. Select the colour and use the lasso tool to select the writing and delete it.
thanks to both of you for your input, the colour is in a section where it stitches out with something else, I am going to have a play with your suggestions tonight when it is quiet, and see if I can do it, many thanks for your help.
Yes, I'm thinking the same as Wendy. It is probably just a color stop (step) in the stitchout of the design and you can fast forward through that step in your embroidery machine. Probably don't have to get 6D programme involved.
the words are in the last stitch out with the border, it says the names of the flowers, I don't want the name of the flowers, I`d like to put something else in its place, thanks for your input,
can you just miss the writing colour , sorry dont know your program...wendy
the writing is in the last colour stitch out with the border at the same timer, so I have to try and eliminate the words without disturbing the border. Thanks anyway. I appreciate your input