by spendlove 12 Jun 2015

More Jumble Sale Challenge. I have been using the fabric from the legs for various projects, but thought I should turn my attention to the tops. The right hand one is simply two back pockets. I cut them out complete with the body fabric and stuck them together with Bondaweb before stitching them together. This gives a two section bag. The otherone has a steampunk design from Urban Threads. Both handles are recycled as well.


by arlene 13 Jun 2015

What a great idea. Love the pocket one.

by noah 12 Jun 2015

Love them sue your on a roll hugs

by pennifold 12 Jun 2015

Wow, everything old is new again! Great recycling of these jeans Sue, love Chris

by 02kar Moderator 12 Jun 2015

I love the idea of using the pockets. I was looking at a pair of size 50 jeans thinking I could get a lot of projects out of them. I think I might go back and get them if they are still there.

1 comment
spendlove by spendlove 13 Jun 2015

So much fabric in those!

by dordonc 12 Jun 2015

so cute..........

by designgirl 12 Jun 2015

Great idea.

by laffma1 12 Jun 2015

Great recycling projects. I was just listening to a segment about what happens to waste products of all kinds. A man is building homes out of materials that people have tossed away. They are strange looking, but very energy efficient. It makes people happy, provides a practical and useful item, and is good for the earth. Recycling fabrics/clothing and turning them into "new" useful items is a good challenge, and you seem to have an endless talent for doing this. Kudos to you.

by pinon 12 Jun 2015

So cute, the girls in my family would love these. Thanks for posting.

by pldc 12 Jun 2015

Teenagers love these! ~hugs~

by rescuer Moderator 12 Jun 2015

Your creativity is so inspiring! It is nice that you use so many recycled items in your projects.

by basketkase 12 Jun 2015

I love how nothing goes to waste.......great projects, Sue......

by cfidl 12 Jun 2015

Excellent, I believe I have made something similar.