All the bags turned out great! What a clever idea, using the labels! Your granddaughters are going to be thrilled!
WOW !!! Look how well your bags are! I know the grand daughters will be tickled pink. I was so busy reading the labels, I had to click on the bag again, to see how it was made-lol-Did you do the quilting on the tropical one? I know you assigned each one to their owner, as it will be hard for them to choose. Great job-Toogie
Yes, I quilted the tropical one. I should have put the quilting closer together. The camo was fabric leftover from a dress the granddaughter made & entered in the sewing expo.
thanks, Cindy
Nice project! That is a great idea with the labels... she will love that.
Lovely bags. The labels one is a great idea. I remember Raelene made a quilt using labels. She got labels from all over the world from Cuties
That would have been quite an undertaking. Gathering the labels was the hardest part for me.
Great selection you've done here. Well done, love Chris