by gougousse 16 Jul 2015

Here is one of gifts I made for my mother, for her birthday.

She is now 91 years old. She now lives in a senior's residence, and she likes to have some kind of wall-hanging with his name on the door of his room.
So, I made this for her happiness.( I hid her surname).
I added a pocket to leave messages during her absence, or to drop
The Sunbonnet design is from liane-stich.
Thanks for looking, I hope you like it.


by sonjapotgieter 18 Jul 2015

So Beautiful!!!!!Well done

by peafarm 18 Jul 2015

Very cheery. I know she'll love it.

by NancyBT10 18 Jul 2015

Your wall hanging is so cheerful looking. I love the addition of a pocket so others can place cards, notes, candy, etc. inside. Don't be surprised if some of the other residents ask you to make a lovely wall hanging for their door. Love the embroidery design, you really did a great job.

by Lsliane 18 Jul 2015

Hello Céline,
this is a very nice idea - I like it very much.
Put best wishes and a hug into the pocket.

by noah 17 Jul 2015

She will love it i do hugs

1 comment
gougousse by gougousse 17 Jul 2015

Thank you

by pldc 17 Jul 2015

Very pretty, ~hugs~

1 comment
gougousse by gougousse 17 Jul 2015

Thank you pldc,
Hugs, Céline

by Ossineu 17 Jul 2015

Was für ein schönes Geschenk für Deine Mutter, Céline. Sie wird sich bestimmt sehr darüber freuen. Das Motiv, das Du ausgesucht hast, ist wirklich ganz besonders schön.
Viele Grüße

1 comment
gougousse by gougousse 17 Jul 2015

Thank you very much Angelika.
I just spoke with my mother, today is her birthday. She loved this gift. And people who see this wall-hanging stop to tell her that it's beautiful. So, I am happy to have made this gift for her.

by bowlds 17 Jul 2015

That's very cute and will brighten her spot.

1 comment
gougousse by gougousse 17 Jul 2015

Thank you very much

by highlandermom 17 Jul 2015

Lovely very welcoming wall hanging as it says sweet lady is here as you mentioned if not drop her a note or a piece of candy. Hugs to her also from me.

1 comment
gougousse by gougousse 17 Jul 2015

Oh,m thank you for yourkind words. I give you hugs to my mother
Hugs 4 you too.

by decojo 17 Jul 2015

Lovely ~ great job! Hugs, Joyce

1 comment
gougousse by gougousse 17 Jul 2015

Thank you Joyce,

by dragonflyer 17 Jul 2015

So nice...I am sure she will love it!

1 comment
gougousse by gougousse 17 Jul 2015

Thank you dragonflyer.

by lidiad 17 Jul 2015

That's a beautiful wall-hanging, love it, Céline! I'm sure that your mother loves it too.
Hugs, Lidia

1 comment
gougousse by gougousse 17 Jul 2015

Thank you Lidia, I'm sure too that my mother loves it.
Hugs, Céline

by sandralane 17 Jul 2015

A lovely gift for your Mother, am sure she is delighted to hang this on her door. Well done. Sandra.

1 comment
gougousse by gougousse 17 Jul 2015

Thank you Sandra,

by pennifold 16 Jul 2015

It's wonderful and such a great idea to have on your door. Love Chris

1 comment
gougousse by gougousse 17 Jul 2015

Thank you Chris

by graceandham 16 Jul 2015

It worked! Cheered me up!

1 comment
gougousse by gougousse 17 Jul 2015

Yessssssssss. I am happy to have made you smile

by lbrow 16 Jul 2015

This is so nice for your mom and it will bring a smile to anyone observing it as they pass by/ good job/Lillian

1 comment
gougousse by gougousse 17 Jul 2015

Thanks Lillian.If it makes people smile ,is good.

by PIGNADA 16 Jul 2015

Very cute gift well done. Thank you for sharing smiles of your mother. Amities de France.

1 comment
gougousse by gougousse 17 Jul 2015

J'aurai de ses nouvelles ce soir. Mais comme je la connais, je peux imaginer son sourire, même son rire quand elle a vu ce cadeau.
Amitiés du Québec Pignada.

by tlp22 16 Jul 2015

How sweet. This is sure to bring a smile to your moms face and anyone passing. Well done. Happy Birthday to your Mom.

1 comment
gougousse by gougousse 17 Jul 2015

Thanks tlp22. About me, it makes me smile. I'm sure is same thing for my mother and anyone passing.
This birthdays is today. I convey your wishes to my mother

by Leaha 16 Jul 2015

This is so cute and I'm betting it will be perfect for her needs. Give her an extra hugs.Thanks for sharing. hugs

sailorgal by sailorgal 17 Jul 2015

Very cute, thoughtful gift. I volunteer at a nursing home.

gougousse by gougousse 17 Jul 2015

Thank you Leaha, I will give her your hugs. I think it is a perfect gift for her,I can say each person has something on their door.
Hugs 4 U Leaha
Thank you sailorgal
Hugs 4 U