Very very clever. I wished mine would get his out and give it a good cleaning. He used to be diligent now just lazy--or says he doesn't feel good but I think he likes sitting in the recliner gazing at the computer screen which is his 65 inch t.,v. also.
I don't think, even if he turned the sock RIGHT SIDE OUT, it would help the looks!-lol- Your idea is much nicer. Like the gun, by the way. Is is a single barrel shotgun or 410? or neither?
You made me laugh with the RIGHT SIDE OUT you are observant beyond lol. Thanks. Got a Keen eye as that is a Savage 24 single shot over/under 22/410 that is why I call it mine. I love a 410 shotgun.
I am not showing this to hubby... Excellent work!
I had it done in about 35 mins. Not to have to look at sock it was worth it. lol.
My personal guns are in a cupboard so i don't half to look at them but if i did i sure would cover them .Yours looks awesome was he smiling??hugs and blessings
This is one as I said fast handy as I don't have fast run to cupboard if ground hog feasts on my goodies.
I got a big smile from my buddy. Told him just give me more time to sew.He might be surprised what I come up with.