by maisiebo 04 Aug 2015

When embroidering 8 1/2oz how do you do it? I have embroidered it in medium size but it doesn't quiet look right the 1/2 looks to big against the 8 I'm wondering if it would be better to do the 8 in medium size font and the 1/2 in small size font


by jrob Moderator 04 Aug 2015

Why not use 8.5oz and make the numbers the same size. OR

lbrow by lbrow 04 Aug 2015

Nice Jerrilyn

dragonflyer by dragonflyer 04 Aug 2015

That is what I would do, too!

maisiebo by maisiebo 05 Aug 2015

Looks good, guess instead of sewing it all together it is best to sew the eight and then the half at a smaller size I was trying to sew in one go but doesn't work it looks wrong

airyfairy by airyfairy 10 Aug 2015

Looks great Jerrilyn