I used to do that all the time when I was a kid - with anything small. Drove my dad crazy when he saw it. LOL
That is so funny!! I was laughing !! That's for the funny today! Suzanne.
You made me laugh so hard..Guilty
At least I know I'm not the only one.
You have been peeping in my window when I run the vac. Me to a Tee. Thank you I needed this laugh this morning/Lillian
I got totally fed up using a vacuum clean around my sewing area. When I have finished I pick up all the threads with a sticky roller - picks up pins as well!!
Probably much more efficient. I keep my roller handy to my machine for after I trim the applique back, to get rid of the thread fuzzies. Also, run it across my jeans so I don't carry the threads downstairs and to other carpets.
Guilty! I think if I pick it up, then the vacuum will also. And then I get to pick out all the threads from the vacuum anyway. So why don't I throw it away? Good question.
Make sure it's something the vacuum is suppose to pick up...then give it another chance! I think I also have to see if it's real or my imagination...lol