by sorval 13 Aug 2015

this time i need to wear real cold gloves to saved my fingernails and where are the fingerthings where the nails are just under

this gloves keep me fast in bed lol
cant move my arms haha
but i am home so thats ok
hugs sonja


by sorval 15 Aug 2015

thank you all very much
hugs sonja

by lbrow 14 Aug 2015

Aaah Sonjalovely lady that you are. I'm so glad you are home and happy. God Bless/Lillian

by airyfairy 14 Aug 2015

Just get yourself well. Hugs Sarah

by ctirish 14 Aug 2015

Glad you are home.. maybe someone can put your computer on your table stand and you can read a magazine - Designs in Machine Embroidery is online...

by dragonflyer 14 Aug 2015

So glad you are home...

by sorval 14 Aug 2015

thank you all very much
hugs sonja

by Leaha 13 Aug 2015

God's Blessing for you, prayers will be said. Lovely mittens you have, if blue is the color of cold your hands are certainly that...must mean you have a great big warm heart! Take care.

by pennifold 13 Aug 2015

Dear Sonja, so glad to read that you are back home. It's always nice to be in your own surroundings. I agree with the others those gloves would look good with some embroidery on them. Praying that you are comfortable and being well looked after. I hope you are surrounded by your beautiful new born dolls. Love Chris

by noah 13 Aug 2015

Nice picture my ole Friend Sonja Carolynxxoo

by 02kar Moderator 13 Aug 2015

I think you look cute with those gloves. And they keep you where you need to be. I'm glad you're home and comfy. I agree, those gloves need to be embroidered.

by gerryvb 13 Aug 2015

well we know you are a fighter, I can see this as a symbol they look like boxing gloves, so have a good fight my friend! hugs and prayers, Gerry

by graceandham 13 Aug 2015

They just need a little kitchen embroidery to look great on you! Glad you're home. Still praying for your care and cure, dear.

by dailylaundry 13 Aug 2015

Oh, Sonja - bless your heart!! Being home must help - but, please know you are in my prayers! Hugs, Laura*