by gougousse ( edited 18 Aug 2015 ) 17 Aug 2015

My "Owl" week

A set "back to school" for my granddaughter: pencil case (I sewed, disjointed and re-sewn navy blue one because I did not like the first version). And a tissue holder. It was my owl week as you can see ... lol. I practiced zipper sewing, and my patience ... lol . And finish with a little stuffy owl.
Thanks for looking.
Hugs, Céline


by mechille 24 Aug 2015

These are really really cute..... Great job. I really like these. Thanks for sharing.

by RockyB 24 Aug 2015

Adorable, she will look sharp with all of her cool owl accessories!

by grobin 21 Aug 2015

All of them are very pretty. Great job.

1 comment
gougousse by gougousse 21 Aug 2015

Thank you grobin

by lidiad 21 Aug 2015

Love them all, Céline, you have done a great job and made your granddaughter happy!
Hugs, Lidia

1 comment
gougousse by gougousse 21 Aug 2015

Thank you very much Lidia.I would like make a lot, but I just have a grandchild ... so I have to slow down my creativity...So, I spend a week in great work, followed by a week to go round in circles....
Hugs, Céline

by lhart 21 Aug 2015

You did excellent work. What a nice way for her to have Grandma with her everyday at school.

1 comment
gougousse by gougousse 21 Aug 2015

Thanl you lhart for this nice comment. I had not thought that with these things, I am still with her.

by Leaha 20 Aug 2015

Celine, your little one will be in heaven; with these lovely little items you will be with her everyday at school cheering her on in everything she endeavors. Lovely work. hugs Leaha

by toogie 20 Aug 2015

Celine, your patience has paid off well! Your cases are delightful with all the little owls. I knew you could do this. Now tell the truth, it wasn't as scary as you imagined, now was it?-lol-I recognize some of the designs,too. Good job!

1 comment
gougousse by gougousse 21 Aug 2015

Toogie, thank you very much. I admit that you helped me a lot by showing me the tutorial to the zipper. I had only one choice: to succeed! I don't remember the origins désigns: I traveled on the net and took all freebis, and I bought several other.
Thank yoiu again,
Big hugs, Céline

by ramona 17 Aug 2015

Busy, busy you have been. So cute!

1 comment
gougousse by gougousse 17 Aug 2015

Yes, very busy, especially since I've undone and redone blue pencil case to get the result that you see. They all have a lining, which is sometimes complex sewing (for me)
Thank for your comment

by PIGNADA 17 Aug 2015

Very cute owls, a work well done and beautiful results so a good week. I love the blue one.Thank you very much for sharing.
Amitiés de France.

1 comment
gougousse by gougousse 17 Aug 2015

Merci beaucoup Pignada
Amitiés du Québec, Bisous,Céline

by Ossineu 17 Aug 2015

Hallo Céline,
da bist Du ja richtig fleißig gewesen in dieser Woche. Ich liebe Eulen und finde alle Deine Werke total toll. Deine Enkeltochter ist sicher ganz begeistert und stolz auf Ihre Großmutter.
Ganz liebe Grüße

1 comment
gougousse by gougousse 17 Aug 2015

Thank you very much Angelika. I can not wait to give her these gifts

by brendalea 17 Aug 2015

Very nice set for your granddaughter. Thank you for sharing,
Happy Stitching :~)

1 comment
gougousse by gougousse 17 Aug 2015

Thank you very much brendalea

by sonjapotgieter 17 Aug 2015

Wow!!!!!Stunning...Love them so...Great work done...Gorgeous

1 comment
gougousse by gougousse 17 Aug 2015

Thank you very much sonjapotgieter

by tlp22 17 Aug 2015

how cute are these..I bet your GD is proud as a peacock he he

1 comment
gougousse by gougousse 17 Aug 2015

Oh yes tlp22, you are right, she is proud as a peacock when I make her gifts like these
Thank for kooking,hugs,Céline

by lbrow 17 Aug 2015

A great week for owls. What a nice job you have done/Lillian

1 comment
gougousse by gougousse 17 Aug 2015

Yes Lillian, and I try " to leave" owls, but it is so
Thank you,

by laffma1 17 Aug 2015

Such a sweet set - and very appropriate to use the owls for back-to-school items. She will love these.

1 comment
gougousse by gougousse 17 Aug 2015

Thank you very much laffma1

by robinbird 17 Aug 2015

Such a delightful school set you've made. Wondered if you'd tell where you'd gotten the key fob design? Thanks for sharing them. :~D

1 comment
gougousse by gougousse 17 Aug 2015

Thank you robinbird. I was inspired on this site for the key fob

by peafarm 17 Aug 2015

Wow, these are fantastic.

1 comment
gougousse by gougousse 17 Aug 2015

Thank you peafarm

by michemb 17 Aug 2015

trop, cute, cute
bien reussi Céline

1 comment
gougousse by gougousse 17 Aug 2015

Merci beaucoup Michelle,

by marfa 17 Aug 2015

Oh, so cute!

1 comment
gougousse by gougousse 17 Aug 2015

Thank you marfa,

by pldc 17 Aug 2015

Céline nicely done, ~hugs~

1 comment
gougousse by gougousse 17 Aug 2015

Thank you Loralie, Hugs, Céline

by noah 17 Aug 2015

She will love this set IDO!!!!!Hugs

1 comment
gougousse by gougousse 17 Aug 2015

Thank you Carolyn, Hugs, Céline