I have every color available of polyester embroidery thread and cotton sewing thread from ThreadArt (and use their pre-wound bobbins, too). Also have a good variety of their metallic thread. I have a few odds and ends of various rayon thread which were either purchased or given to me over the years. One can never have too many color choices available.
I pretty much use Madiera. they now have about 500 colors/shades so I have no trouble finding a color and shade that will do. My machines have all liked Madiera so I figured if they like it, why try something different. I order all of my supplies through the Allstitch company. I like their quality, prices and customer service.
I have a vast array of just about every kind. I have friends without machines that frequent yard sales and anytime they see a spool they p ick it up for me. Really have not found any one thread that gives me problems except Tetrex. I do use a lot of RA because that is what my dealer sells,all my bobbin thread comes from him. Metro, no problems, Sulky will shread. I've even tried coats and Clark with no problems. A sisnlaw who lives in Mi.& Fl is avid flea MKT and yrd sale goer so get quite a bit of different kinds from her. I do prefer poly thread over rayon but use which ever color meets my need. I try not to use both kind in one embroidery though/Lillian
I also have a variety. Prefer Sulky and RA. I have a questions for you ladies who say you use Metro-Do you like it and/or do you have problems with it? I have a lot of Metro as I bought a set before I really tried it out. I hate it and would never buy it again as it shreds and breaks constantly. Hugs. Nan W
Wow, Nan...sorry you have problems with Metro thread...I have a BabyLock Ellisimo and have all of their 5,000m cones (I think there are about 125 colors) and I have never had a problem with any of them...I also use RA and some Madeira (especially the metallic Madeira) which really runs well for me...
I too use a variety of threads. Included are Metro, RA, Madeira , Sulky, and Thread Art. Neither of my machines (Janome and Bernina) have a problem with any of it.
Mine are mostly Marathon. They have an enormous range of colours - the shade card is an absolute work of art!. I also have some Madeira.
I'm a Hemingworth fan, but also use Metro, Robison Anton and Brother. So, I have a selection of brands, I like to support a few companies. I'm also amazed at how many reds there are in the RA selection too Grace.
As far as I am concerned the spool thread cover with Hemingworth Threads and the sheen sells it to me every time. It's so easy to use and you never have thread unravelling issues - it never breaks as it goes smoothly through the hole in the top of the plastic cover. Love Chris
I would like to try hemingworth thread, is there a place to purchase where it is the best price and shipping is priced reasonable thank you
Toogie, They limited their dealers in the US to their biggest customers so it went flying out of lots of stores here. I think online may be your best bet. It is super shiny, high quality, stands anywhere near your machine to sew (so you don't have to take in and out of machine). Also there are some lovely colors that no one else has anything like - one yellow that has Banana as part of the name in particular is very different from everyone's standard yellows (a nice pale) and some gorgeous French blues, some unusual metallic looking grays...
I do love RA probably the most but I also use many other threads in conjunction. My machine does not give me a a hard time as I know many of you have a problem. kKy
I'm with you. RA first and foremost, then lots of bits and pieces of other brands.
love the Madeira range but they are difficult to get, where I live.