by Gerdie 23 Aug 2015


Can anyone tell me, if it is possible to match my Husqvarna Designer program D3 with Winows 6 or 7 or 8 or 9, even 10? I have Vista and that works perfect, but my computer broke down. I need a new one.


by killiecrankie 23 Aug 2015

Maybe you only need a new hard drive & then you can install all your current programs.I have bought new hard drives for our lap tops which use vista from overseas.The last one was 3months ago cost AUD $99 including postage which was a lot cheaper than a new computer.
Rescuer is very helpful ,if you have any questions.

by katydid 23 Aug 2015

I saw your post and I did not have a clue to help you, but others have and I am glad you got some help. Kay

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by barba edited 23 Aug 2015

I went here and downloaded the latest hasp driver and my 3D software is working on windows 10. The hasp driver is mostly down the page under 'other useful software'. As soon as the hasp driver downloaded the light on my hasp came on and my programs opened. Hope it works for you also. Hugs, Barba

killiecrankie by killiecrankie 24 Aug 2015

When my 4D extra wouldn't install ,because of some problem with hasp, I went on the net & downloaded this program "Sentinel_LDK_Run-time_setup"& never had a problem since .It is free..Just make sure you install it first before installing the 3D softwar

barba by barba 24 Aug 2015

My programs were already installed when I updated to windows 10 and as soon as I ran this new hasp driver install, my hasp started working and all my programs work. I was lucky in that I did not have to uninstall and reinstall. Hugs, Barba

by rescuer Moderator 23 Aug 2015

You can special order Windows 7 but it must be the Professional version. That is good news for you! A computer tech can set up your computer to run your software. You could even make use of the virtual Vista if necessary. Talk to a reputable computer technician and have them help you order the computer you need.

1 comment
katydid by katydid 23 Aug 2015

Good advise!

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by laffma1 edited 24 Aug 2015

Hi Gerdie, welcome to Cute. I have Husqvarna 3D Pro, and was able to get it to work on my windows 7 laptop. Had to download a newer Hasp driver file in order to get the software to open properly. It took a lot of finagling, but I finally got it working and it still works well. The only difference is that the cable that connected my sewing machine to the computer does not work with windows 7. So, I just use a USB thumb drive to transfer designs.

It is about time to buy a new laptop (my hard drive is dying of old age now), and I think I may have to give up my 3D Pro since it probably won't work with windows 10, at least, not without a serious fight.

If anyone has been able to get this version working with windows 10, I would love to hear how they did it.

rescuer by rescuer 23 Aug 2015

Don't give up on your current computer. A hard drive is easily replaced and all data/programs can be transferred to the new drive.

laffma1 by laffma1 23 Aug 2015

Yes, great idea - I had thought about trying this, but haven't yet looked into pricing. I have been looking at, and comparing what is currently on the market in 15" and 17" laptops. Any suggestions for which ones are the best bang for the buck?

killiecrankie by killiecrankie 23 Aug 2015

I found the hardest thing in replacing a laptop hard drive is undoing the screws ,so you can get it out, to find out what type of hard drive you require.LOL just remembered that I haven't screwed in, the screws in my husbands laptop ,sticky tape is holding them in place.A temporary measure that has becoming a permanent one