by connerj 01 Sep 2015

Dog Bandanna - the collar goes through the top. Got the pattern online and added the bone and words to fill the need to embroider. lol I did a few for Halloween and a couple in camo. The dog at the bottom is my 13 year old collie - German Sheppard mix doing what he does best - resting. Thanks for looking :)


by designgirl 03 Sep 2015

Great idea love them all. Love the picture of your dog.

by toogie 03 Sep 2015

How cute is this! I need to make something like this, for my sisters yorkies!

by elemausi 02 Sep 2015

Very cute

by greytgirl 02 Sep 2015

Love the dog bandannas! Would like to make one for my rescued Greyhound Indy, but he has to have a special collar (martingale) which does not come apart, so I don't think this would work for him. Darn!!! Your dog is beautiful and at his age he deserves to just lay around and rest.

greysewist by greysewist 02 Sep 2015

The trick here is Velcro to wrap around the collar or add some ties or just make it with elastic through so it can go on separately. I of course have the same issue due to sewing frequently for greyhounds myself :)

connerj by connerj 02 Sep 2015

That's a great idea :)

by pldc 01 Sep 2015

Very cute, ~hugs~

1 comment
connerj by connerj 02 Sep 2015

Thanks hugs :)

by katydid 01 Sep 2015

Love these!! I have made my share of similar also. Kay

1 comment
connerj by connerj 02 Sep 2015

Thanks :)

by sandralane 01 Sep 2015

They all look great. Well done. Sandra.

1 comment
connerj by connerj 02 Sep 2015

Thank you :)

by greysewist Moderator 01 Sep 2015

Great job on these. It makes a very princely crown on your boy :)

connerj by connerj 02 Sep 2015

Thank you I see yours is dressed up too :)

greysewist by greysewist 03 Sep 2015

Funnily enough, I'd quite forgotten what my pic was! It was a foster dog (named Indi, if I recall correctly), with a very simple bandana that was just tied on :)

by lbrow 01 Sep 2015

Like them. Guess I'm going to have make some of these for my son n law's new puppy. Half Australian Shepherd and half Border Collie. Tippie is going to be one smart girl/Lillian

1 comment
connerj by connerj 02 Sep 2015

Tippie will be lucky to get some :)

by joanne8125 01 Sep 2015

I have a set like these from Anita Goodesign Designs, they also have several embroidered designs and words included in them, along with different sizes. They were a lot of fun to do. Yours are great also

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connerj by connerj 02 Sep 2015

Thank you I will take a look at that web site. :)

by pennifold 01 Sep 2015

They all look wonderful, I also love the dog. Love Chris

1 comment
connerj by connerj 02 Sep 2015

Thank You :)

by noah 01 Sep 2015

Great sewing and wonderful dog:):)hugs

1 comment
connerj by connerj 01 Sep 2015

Thanks Hugs :)

by dragonflyer 01 Sep 2015

What a cutie!

1 comment
connerj by connerj 01 Sep 2015

Thank you :)

by jrob Moderator 01 Sep 2015

What a sweetheart he is. That's a great idea to run the collar through the channel along the top. It stays on that way.

by sonjapotgieter 01 Sep 2015


1 comment
connerj by connerj 01 Sep 2015

Thanks :)

by crafter2243 Moderator 01 Sep 2015

Cute idea. Love the fact that the collar goes through the top. Love the embroidery on it.