by sorval 04 Sep 2015

hello cute family

since today my husband is retired
we are real happy with that lol
i have order a very special old timer cake and a banana pie
this evening we go eating outdoors with our whole family
hugs sonja


by pldc 09 Sep 2015


by grossfamilie 08 Sep 2015

Obviously retirement is soooo sweet! Good luck and happy times for the both of you and congratulations too :-) Maria

by sorval 06 Sep 2015

thank you all very much
hugs sonja

by babash 05 Sep 2015

Hope your Husband has a happy Retirement. The cakes look wonderful.

by cfidl 05 Sep 2015

Wow! those cakes look delicious! Best wishes for retirement and I pray for you.

by sorval 05 Sep 2015

thank you all also from my husband
he say it was a very good day lol
when we came home from dinner i was to tired to stay up
because the day before we where 7 hours in the hospital
they have give me 2 bags blood and after that was my second chemo
hugs sonja

by sandralane 05 Sep 2015

Both cakes look very yummy indeed. Congratulations to your husband on his retirement, i hope you have may happy years together. Hope your celebrations with family and friends is one to be remembered. Enjoy a peaceful relaxing and exciting retirement in times to come. Sandra.

by crazystitcher 05 Sep 2015

Congratulations on your DH's retirement. Hope you and your family have a wonderful evening celebrating this and that your health remains good enough for you both to share many more years enjoying each others' company.

by decojo 04 Sep 2015

Congratulations on your husband's retirement. The goodies look delicious. Hugs, Joyce

by pennifold 04 Sep 2015

Hope you had a wonderful dinner and congratulations on your husband's retirement. Good luck and blessings to you and your family. May your health improve and you have many more wonderful years together. Love Chris

by clawton 04 Sep 2015

Enjoy retirement! Those really look yummy!!!

by lbrow 04 Sep 2015

Congratulations on your Honey's retiremen . What a beautiful cake and pie you have gotten for him/ Lillian

by airyfairy 04 Sep 2015

Best wishes for your husbands retirement. Have a wonderful evening with your family

by zoefzoef 04 Sep 2015

Amai Sonja, dat ziet er allemaal heel lekker uit ! Gefeliciteerd aan je man met zijn pensioen ! Heeft hij al plannen wat hij nu met al zijn vrije tijd gaat doen ?
Ik moet nog vele jaren doen alvorens het mijn tour zal zijn (als ze de pensioenleeftijd niet blijven verlengen natuurlijk)

by noah 04 Sep 2015

Congratulations to Wim give him hugs from Canada ok :):)Carolyn

by katydid 04 Sep 2015

Congratulations to your husband. The cake and pie are fantastic! I love the car! Kay

by anangel 04 Sep 2015

Sonja, those look delicious!! Congratulations to your husband on his retirement!! Celebrate!! Enjoy more good times together now!!
Hugs, Angel

by sdrise 04 Sep 2015

Very pretty!! They look yummy!! Suzanne

by jrob Moderator 04 Sep 2015

mmmmmm this is making me hungry! Congratulations on retirement Sonja's sweetheart! I hope your celebration is wonderful. I know it will be fun. Finally retired!

by lilylady 04 Sep 2015

these are a work of art I bet there delicious!

by tilde01 04 Sep 2015

Congratulations to your hubby on his well earned retirement. May you both have may happy days/weeks/months/years together.

by dragonflyer 04 Sep 2015

Hi Sonja...Looks YUMMY...Happy Retirement to your Hubby!

by sewgranny45 04 Sep 2015

Beautiful cake and banana pie. Congratulating on your husbands retirement. I pray you have many happy days together for a very long time.

by dailylaundry 04 Sep 2015

How lovely those cakes are - yum!! Congratulation to your dear husband and yourself!!! Hugs and love, Laura*

by crafter2243 Moderator 04 Sep 2015

Sonja those cakes look so delicious. I hope you and your husband will enjoy every bite. Congratulations to your husband on his retirement and continued payers for your well being.

by graceandham 04 Sep 2015

Oh my gosh, Sonja, that is an awesome cake, especially the beautiful edge. I hope something tastes wonderful to you tonight as you celebrate. Imagine, an in-home full-time caregiver! Yay!