by sorval 16 Sep 2015

hello cute family

i have done online shopping special for premature sizes
and it look so cute lol
hugs sonja


by sorval 24 Sep 2015

thank you all very much
the sizes are 44 dutch premature size
the yellow blanket are bags for in the maxi cosies lol
i have order the bags and the new cloths on a dutch site online
in the hospital i have buy the very special socks because i have never see the in a store in the city
well today i have chemo 3 with ice cloves
and the siliconen baby go with us the nurses on oncologie have never see this sort babies lol
hugs sonja

by jrob Moderator 22 Sep 2015

Where do you find the time to take care of ALL of these babies?

1 comment
sorval by sorval 24 Sep 2015

they dont need a lott care haha
some times i change there cloths and the place where they lay
hugs sonja

by sunshine6 22 Sep 2015

Just adorable. Always makes me smile when upload pictures of your babies.

by katydid 21 Sep 2015

Love the reborns!

by dilceia 21 Sep 2015

It is simply gorgeous!

by jerrib 20 Sep 2015

These are so lifelike, and adorable. Where did you get the yellow blanket?
I am interested in where you buy your clothes and accessories for your reborns

by brendalea 19 Sep 2015

They are so cute. What size are the little ones. I have 5 Dolls to dress and no time to make them something. To busy trying to make two baby quilts for the up and coming babies in the family and one for hubby. Sadly not my boys children. Happy Stitching

by sorval 19 Sep 2015

thank you all very much
hugs sonja

by lbrow 18 Sep 2015


by noah 17 Sep 2015

Oh my Sonja were are you sleeping all those little ones ??Yes there so cute:):)hugs

by cfidl 17 Sep 2015

They are adorable.

by sorval 17 Sep 2015

thank you all very much
hugs sonja

by pldc 16 Sep 2015

congratulations on your new arrivals they are both darling~hugs~

by pennifold 16 Sep 2015

Oh! these are darling little babies Sonja. I love the expressions on all their faces and the fine details. Love Chris

by Leaha 16 Sep 2015

You do such a wonderful job dressing and showing love to these little babies. They are adorable! Thanks for sharing them with us.