Well, now I know what to do with the one we just bought if we don't like the BBQing!
Good job of re-using.
Great idea ,did the legs come with them as well ? You could drill holes in the bottom to help with drainage if you have a drill. We often find empty flower pots ,out with the garbage bins on garbage day .
Yep the legs came with them and no need to drill holes in the bottom as they are allready there for the ash to come out.just put in some gravel to stop the holes getting blocked by the soil
Way to go love your idea i saw a few of these in the dump at our camp lol hugs
Next time you see them you can grab a few. Just take the legs of for transportation and pop the drums one inside the other re assemble when you get home .
I love what you did. Mother earth and I both think you are pretty darn smart.
adding small chucks of charcoal (after the first soil layer)also helps. Keeps soil fresher.
I love the idea of using those barbecues.
I have planted bulbs in layers in other containers but my way of doing it was by required planting depth and not by flowering time (unless those depths were equal). Usually a bulb package states the required depths, which can vary a lot: crocus 5-7 cm, muscari 6 cm, snowdrops 6-8 cm, tulips and narcissus 8-10 cm, fritillaria meleagris 6 cm and its big brother frittilaria imperalis 10 cm..
Thank you for the detailed instructions how to layer bulbs. I have just the item I would like to try this. One more of my busted lawn chairs needs to be recycled. Sorry about the sideways
So much better than using them for cremating food! (I hate the smell on campsites.)
Your flowers look lovely. This a great recycling idea, and the "pots" should last for many years. Well done.
Beautiful and a great tutorial on how to do it.. Great job in salvaging some nice free planters. /Lillian
Unusual type of recycling but will work perfectly. Great idea for planting bulbs, thanks for sharing with us. Sandra.
thanks for the great information, your recycling idea is terrific and the look very nice. You could always paint them as well I imagine.
Mum and I went out this morning and she bought some more Pansies and Petunias (only purple ones). I love your Pansies and Cyclamens. They add a splash of colour and what a great idea about the planting system. Love Chris