I get a flashlight and shine it everywhere I can to find it. I've never dropped a needle when changing it, but I've had to go on many a hunting trip to find broken bits of needle in the machine. It is easier if the needed is threaded but I've been know to have just the tip of the needle break and cut the thread and drop into the machine. Don't think I'd use a magnet in there without first checking with my dealer.
Sorry Chris and rescuer, I personally think that turning machine upside down could be disastrous as the needle could get caught in the workings of the machine. I always keep the needle threaded, a lesson taught to me by my mother when I was in my teens. Caroline I would leave well alone and hopefully the needle is lying on the floor of the machine. With computerized machines I would not put a magnet anywhere near. Sarah
Oh my yes i have done it, costly to get removed as all i tried did not work. Now i have a large special piece of felt i put over the area. No more mishaps. Sandra.
I have a magnet attatched to a piece of string usually works...wendy
I currently have three 3!! needles fallen into my machine.... they have not affected it's sewing ability LOL You might slip a piece of paper under the pressure foot before changing needles..... hugs Dolly
I too have had this happen. I was told on here to turn the machine upside down and shake it. NOT a good idea, as the needle got caught somewhere it should not have done. I could not put the bobbin case back in so had to take the machine to the repairman. I now make sure I have a piece of paper over the hole when changing a needle. Best of luck. Shirley
This happened to me while having my granddaughter with me. I posted it here on cute and received many answers. I had to laugh Miss Lillian described how she had turned her machine upside down.
Anyways.....If you can not find it, it most likely fell to the bottom and the next time you bring your machine in for cleaning they will find it. To make sure turn the wheel towards you and if you do not feel any resistance it should be OK. That is what I was told by my dealer.
Link is to the old post when I did exactly the same
Just remember to remove the embroidery attachment prior to shaking your machine...it would be a shame to damage the connectors.
Got a good laugh over looking back. It worked for me lol. No way I could do that now. Have to get daughter or son n law to move machine or pick it up for me. No lifting any thing any more/Lillian
I've done that! Here's a tip that everyone can use.
Before you take a needle out of your sewing machine or serger MAKE SURE IT IS THREADED. The thread alone will help keep it from falling into a difficult space, also, if it does go below you have the thread to pull on gently to bring it back again. Another thing I've learned is that when a needle breaks keep the thread in the eye. That small tip can be very elusive! Once I've rescued that tip I tie a knot in the thread and then toss it into an empty med bottle with my dull needles. Those small sample shampoo/body wash bottles in hotels are great for this...I keep one at each of my s/machines and serger. Hope this helps you and anyone else that reads this. Be blessed as we all give Thanks this weekend! Avis
Oh, Caroline, I apparently prefer to just run the needle through the skin on my finger when removing. I can't tell you how many times I have NOT done it that way. I keep waiting for someone to ask me if that's how I was taught.
Good morning Caroline! I agree with rescuer, get someone to help you lift the machine upside down and give a shake, if it has fallen down underneath the bobbincase hopefully it should drop out by doing that. Or try and find something magnetic and once you've removed the casing etc. use that, or some sticky tape, or some sort of sticky type of paper! Love Chris
Will do Chris but its dark and half 9 so not the time to start such fun and games with my machine
I actually use that little grey piece of plastic with the hole in it and place my needle in that and then put it into the needle container area. Love Chris
I had help to turn my machine carefully upside down...I now use a little piece of paper over the holes so that the needle won't fall through ever again.... if I remember to put the paper there lol