by workbecky 15 Oct 2015

Good morning Cuties, looking for some advise. I have volunteered to embroider the US Military logos (seals) on fleece blankets for the local VA here in Little Rock. Question: Would you buy premade fleece blankets or make your own? If making your own, how would you finish the edges? Fringe, blanket stitch, fold over a small hem or nothing at all? They are looking for the Service colors so blankets would be Army-black, Marine-red, Air Force-dark blue and Navy-navy. These will be used in Hospice and then sent home with the families. Thanks in advance for all your help. Becky in Arkansas


by cfidl 16 Oct 2015

I have made a few and If you are doing 2 layers I would stitch around and turn and 1 layer, I would turn a hem. I know not the fanciest, however I like a clean look.

1 comment
workbecky by workbecky 16 Oct 2015

Thank you. I think a finished edge is definitely winning and a small hem is easiest. I talked to the Director of Volunteer Services today. He was befuddled his agency would have to have permission but promised for my sake to contact people higher up in the Veteran's Department about permissions to use the insignia's.

by theduchess 15 Oct 2015

Blanket stitch would be best. Also try to find premade blankets as they can probably be purchased for less and in large quantities.

by graceandham 15 Oct 2015

Dakota has military branches designs and I would imagine they have gotten the proper permissions, since theirs are for retail stitchers.

by rescuer Moderator 15 Oct 2015

Please read through the link and get permission for your project. I doubt they would have an issue with it -- but if you do not get permission -- it seems they will. The other branches of the military would need the same request for permission. You might ask the VA to acquire the permission for you. Additionally, they might send you the professionally digitized official seal(s) for your project if they like your idea.

1 comment
workbecky by workbecky 15 Oct 2015

I will contact the man at the VA. You would think before asking this be done he would have the proper authorizations. My purchased designs were from Emblibrary and I trust they had the proper permission(s) before digitizing the designs.

getEdited - SELECT
by AuntAnnie edited 15 Oct 2015

If you are in the U.S. JoAnn currently has a great sale on fleece!

by dragonflyer 15 Oct 2015

Hmmm, purchasing blankets or making them...depends upon how much time you have, how much a difference in the price between purchasing the blankets and buying the VA going to supply you with the design files...or ??? If I were making the blankets, I would probably do a fold over is faster than fringe...I would not leave them un-hemmed...

workbecky by workbecky 15 Oct 2015

Thank you. I have the Marine and Air Force seals because my son was in the Marines and my SIL is in the Air Force. I have found the Navy and Army on

workbecky by workbecky 15 Oct 2015

I know buying will save a lot of time just concerned about finding the colors the VA wants.