by manami 31 Oct 2015

Recently I made handmade crochet to a friend, and thought I could digitize it as well. This is the FSL crochet coaster available on my website, I hope you like it! Thank you for looking. Hugs, Yoriko


by pennyhal2 01 Nov 2015

It really has the effect of handmade and I'm sure some would have to look twice to she it is ME. Well done!

1 comment
manami by manami 01 Nov 2015

Thank you Penny!

by crafter2243 Moderator 01 Nov 2015

I am so glad you decided to digitize it.

1 comment
manami by manami 01 Nov 2015

Thank you Angie!

by sonjapotgieter 01 Nov 2015


1 comment
manami by manami 01 Nov 2015

Thank you Sonja!

by jrob Moderator 01 Nov 2015

Very delicate and lovely!

1 comment
manami by manami 01 Nov 2015

Thank you Jerrilyn!

by lbrow 01 Nov 2015

Fantastic Yoriko. I love anything crochet by machine or by hand /Lillian

1 comment
manami by manami 01 Nov 2015

Thank you Lillian!

by spendlove Moderator 01 Nov 2015

This one will be a winner - it is lovely!

1 comment
manami by manami 01 Nov 2015

Thank you Sue!

by pennifold 01 Nov 2015

Very delicate looking Yoriko, love Chris

pennifold by pennifold 01 Nov 2015

In your post in the Crafting section there are a few of us who have asked you how and what did you crochet over too get that effect. Can you please let us know if you crocheted over a bangle or circle of some kind. Love Chris

manami by manami 01 Nov 2015

That crochet was meant to put into a circle of glass, so I had to reduce the stitches at the end. I washed the crochet in WSS dissolved in warm water and let it dry in that circle of glass. Love, Yoriko

pennifold by pennifold 01 Nov 2015

Thanks, that clears things up a lot! It looks fabulous, love Chris

by tlp22 01 Nov 2015

Very pretty.

1 comment
manami by manami 01 Nov 2015

Thank you!

by katydid 31 Oct 2015

Nice job!

1 comment
manami by manami 01 Nov 2015

Thank you Katy!

by Leaha 31 Oct 2015

Really beautiful. Have you looked at the two of them side by side? Thanks for sharing your talent with us.

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manami by manami 31 Oct 2015

thank you Leaha! I don't have the handmade ones anymore, but I have the picture on crafting section :)

by noah 31 Oct 2015

Love it**** these are way faster but there nothing like a crochet doily hugs

manami by manami 31 Oct 2015

Thank you Carolyn. I love crochet doilies as well.

noah by noah 31 Oct 2015

me to and i have made many many***We used to get a book from the states every month and i made everyone before the next book arrived :):)No wonder my wrist is giving out lol hugs

manami by manami 31 Oct 2015

I also have made many doilies when I had time. In Japan we had so many crochet books with beautiful doilies. My wrist is not the same either :(

by dragonflyer 31 Oct 2015

Very nice! So, now that you can embroidery this...will you be making any more by crochet?

1 comment
manami by manami 31 Oct 2015

Thank you Kim. :)