getEdited - SELECT
by anabela ( edited 03 Nov 2015 ) 03 Nov 2015

A tip for all the girls who have trouble turning the right side of smal cloth parts to the outside. On the video you can understand how it works but it is not necessary to purchase this accessory. I use the outside of a pen or a little tube and for the inside a barbecue stick

I hope you enjoy

Love Bela


by asterixsew Moderator 03 Nov 2015

I have an assortment of small wooden rods like pencils that have been sharpened and they work fine. If you do this don't have a sharp point as it can damage the fabric. Its interesting that there are so many bits and pieces made to appear to be an essential purchase when there are simple alternatives of stuff we already have

1 comment
anabela by anabela 03 Nov 2015

so true, I try always to find something in alternative.
Hugs Bela