there are some wonderful digitizers here,why not contact one and ask for a price quote
Thread & Scissors has a set of 4 seasonal trees and the winter one is very close to this, the fall may have too many leaves. If you have softwear you may be able to combine some of the falling leaves with the winter tree? Anyway, worth a look. Look for the Seasonal Trees. There's a group price that I THINK you get if you are on their newsletter.
And this redwork or color work one from creative medley does not cost very much. Sorry was unable to find any Free ones for you!
Would moderator please remove this post since the other two post I posted here trying to help were removed. None of the links Imgave had any illegal design on them nor does this one so may as well remove this one also! I can not find a way to edit or I would remove it myself. Thank you!
I tried to find one for you, Sigrun, but didn't come up with anything, sorry.
I have seen this design used as a family tree. Somewhere in the UT site is an example but its late in the UK and I am off to bed. If I start searching I will be up for hours so sorry