by tlp22 19 Nov 2015

Hello all you wonderful cuties. Have a question. Do any of you know how to fix a monitor so the picture isn't stretched east to west. I haven't a clue have tried and it seems the buttons I am pushing are for pros' not monitors for dummies. It is a Acer 23" Led. Thanks for any help.


by tlp22 21 Nov 2015

I couldn't tell you how but I think I finally got it. Thanks everyone for your help and suggestions. Whew! It was like my monitor had a big grin.LOL! Everything was so stretched east to west. Now it seems normal again.

graceandham by graceandham 21 Nov 2015


cfidl by cfidl 22 Nov 2015

Love your description! Lol!

by zoefzoef 20 Nov 2015

Is there no reset ( bck to factory settings) option/ button on your screen ?

tlp22 by tlp22 20 Nov 2015

Not that I can find.

tlp22 by tlp22 20 Nov 2015

I can't find that..I thought because the screen was wider than tall.

by jalinnell 20 Nov 2015

Do you have the manual for this monitor? If not, you can put in the name and model number in Google and download the manual specifically for this model. I entered what you stated (Acer 23" LED), and a manual came up at this URL : (Copy/paste the link): http://static.highspeedbackbone.n...
I do not know if this is actually the one you own, but I would think that you would adjust your display in a very similar manner. Look at the pdf manual pages 16-20,where it gives instructions on how to adjust the display. Go to the main menu on the monitor (not on your computer) and try to find icons similar to those pictured. You will see that the icon with the wrench has a submenu that deals setting the display width. The picture on the pdf shows that this particular monitor is set to "wide", and it has an arrow pointing to the right. I think if you click on that arrow, you will be given other choices. I wish I could try it for you, but as I do not have this monitor, am not able to do so. Hope this helps!

1 comment
tlp22 by tlp22 20 Nov 2015

thanks I'll try that.

by rescuer Moderator 19 Nov 2015

Did you do anything (like touching/bumping buttons) to change the monitor?
What Windows version?
Can you get the computer to boot into Safe Mode? If you can get it into Safe Mode and it looks "better" then your video card is having issues. If you adjusted the buttons on the screen (my mother would do this every time she cleaned her computer) then they can be adjusted back.

tlp22 by tlp22 20 Nov 2015

I have vista. I can figure it out but will keep trying.

rescuer by rescuer 20 Nov 2015

Right click in a blank space of your desktop and select "Properties" (I think -- it has been a LONG time since I used a Vista machine) Adjust the resolution and if it has a "recommended" setting use that. Your screen is a wide screen. That can be really nice!
It may be a driver issue -- send me a PM if you do not get it figured out.

by graceandham 19 Nov 2015

My one thought - look on the back of the monitor and see if there are buttons there for adjusting - should be width, depth, brightness, and one other feature. If they are there, and you mess with them and don't like result, it is simple enough to set them right back!

1 comment
tlp22 by tlp22 20 Nov 2015

When I click on the buttons on the monitor a little pop up screen comes up and disappears to fast to do anything.

by tlp22 19 Nov 2015

This is new about a week old

by pennifold 19 Nov 2015

Hi Theresa, if you can go to your START button - click on your Control Panel icon - then Change Appearance of your display. Normally most monitors are in LANDSCAPE. If it isn't on LANDSCAPE click on the down arrow and make sure it is. I hope this helps you out a bit. I'm not sure of an Acer, as mine is a HP Monitor. Love Chris

tlp22 by tlp22 19 Nov 2015

I can't find that on this darn thing. will keep trying thanks.

pennifold by pennifold 19 Nov 2015

If all else fails - ring up a friendly computer technician. Have you a manual with the computer, check in the index and see if there is something there about the screen resolution? Love Chris

by sandralane 19 Nov 2015

Try settings, you can change the appearance of your screen, i finally had to retire mine 6 months ago. Too slow to download and do things, i now have a mac, am still learning on it as SOOOOOO different. How ever i am managing ,occasionally with the remote help from my son 7 hours drive away. And as he is a computer teacher, well i suppose i am lucky as he and family now all have macs. From time to time i will get my acer out as it still has lots of photos that i just view. Good luck. Sandra.

by mysew1325 19 Nov 2015

sometimes they just break and you have to junk it and buy a new one..