I like it! I do printscreens of the fun numbers. It is harder to catch them over 100,000 except in certain ranges. like 120,000 - 130,000. Still it is neat to see a mirror or a pattern.
Hi shirley124, You are welcome. Here is another flower for your garden.
Merry Christmas to you.
Regards Lorraine
South Australia
Newbie question: what do the little flowers mean/how do we get them etc? Lol would love to water your garden if I knew how!
Is it sort of similar to a "like" button? I clicked on the little flowers and they increased. Lol I think
Yes, if you click on the little flower, with the number on the right, like I will do for yours, your number increases. It is now 1445 for you, so when I click you will have 1446. I have watered your garden, so to speak. It shows we like your post, comment, embroider, sewing, etc.
Welcome 'Newbie embquilt', I am Toogie a sister, wife, mother of 3 and grandmother of 10, soon to be 11 !
Thanks embquilt. Welcome to the Best site on the internet. Toogie has explained the watering of our gardens and I will now give you another flower which will make your total 1453. Hugs Shirley
And another for you Shirley, love to water gardens daily. Sandra.
Here's another for you Shirley! We must keep our gardens pretty!