Check out Oregon Patchwork look at the index and see it you can match abbreviations with the designers. Best of luck.
TTsWoE is TT's world of embroidery - Amstelveen
I have collected various freebie designs from these mainly parts of fonts,
they were part of a large group of designers the shared their freebies across many sites, they hosted a huge monthly freebie hunt back in 2010
TEA (texas embroidery arts ) were also involved
big hugs from London xx Maria xx
I have 'sbca' with in Texas Embroidery Arts designs I collected from these hunts...
I think that SBCA is Stitch Box Creations not sure about the a.
sbca could be the Saint Bernard Club Of America or a group to do with small business, but there are possibly other options as well.
These are to do with embroidery designs such as From the needle of Anne is always FTNOA then the number of the design or Enigma Embroidery is EE and then the number.
Thanks for trying.
Could CT be Connecting Threads? Not sure if they sell actual designs other than quilt patterns...