by cfidl 20 Jan 2016

Nancy Zieman has a 2 part video on her site that transforms tees! Here is the link. I am talking about the simple to Chic 2 part program. I see she just added a hooping video.


by marianb 08 Feb 2016

thank you

by cfidl 07 Feb 2016

I just got Christie looking at this. I think it may be created before she has to return home.

by chenille 21 Jan 2016

Thank you for this! I have seen the package advertised and was wondering how it worked. Now the question I need to buy the package, or can I do this without. Hmmm.. any ideas?
Thanks again,
Hugs, Nadyne

1 comment
cfidl by cfidl 23 Jan 2016

only you can answer such questions, say the guru!

by lilylady 21 Jan 2016

First time I have seen these T-Shirt designs, sew cool. Thanks!

by topcat5 20 Jan 2016

How very interesting to see the variations one can come up with! I haven't been quilting that long so it is always fascinating to see what can be done with just one pattern. Now sewing -- I'll admit to being creative in that department. Thanks for the link.

1 comment
topcat5 by topcat5 20 Jan 2016

I'm really tired and ditzy. Spent my time watching Nancy's 4 patch variations video and never scrolled down to see all the other links till I went back to review the video. So much for being so creative, zzzz.