wow sieht toll aus, wirklich. Es gibt nicht was mir nicht gefällt. Ich hatte es schon gesehen bei Sweet Pea aber Deine ist ohne zweuffel schöner geworden.
Lovely, great job.. Love the fabric makes me think of dandelions. Know they are not popular but as a kid they were certainly fun.. ;-)
Some see dandelions as weeds, I see them as flowers. They are such a happy color and so persistent, surviving under the most adverse conditions. We can all learn from the lowly dandelion.
ist super geworden, deine Stoffauswahl ist gelungen, liebe Grüße, Maria
I searched unsuccessfully for this in Sweet Pea Embroidery. Can you provide a link?
This is so nice and look it has MY initials on it. L B. Thank you, thank you-- kidding. Great jobl/Lillian
very beautiful and your choice of fabrics are wonderful.
Gefällt mir sehr gut. Leider für meinen Stickrahmen zu groß:-(
Die Stoffe, die du gewählt hast gefallen mir sehr.
Very nice phone case. You did a great job. Lovely colors together in the fabric.
Wow...This is a Big Wow!!!!Beautiful...Great design and work done!!!Love it