Love the Metro thread I bought a lot last time they had a sale but could only get the 1,000 metres reels that time. I don't remember the freight being so high as it is now. I just looked to do an order and $90 something dollars was $157 freight. 2 reels was $5 to buy and $69.44 shipping total $74.44 USA for order of 2 reels of thread. When converted about $105.33 Aust. Cheaper to buy local at $10 a reel.
Just showing a bargain isn't always a bargain.
I would contact them. Another person had that trouble and they gave them the correct amount for shipping. I can't imagine the shipping being that high.
That would not be a bargain at all.
There is several years ago, I have bought all the treads metro, there was a great promotion, all the colours are beautiful, and no breaking on my machine husqvarna ruby. But I think taht now, the shipping for France is too much expensive
I have every color in the large 5000 Meter spools and filled in the remaining with the 1100 Meter spools...just wish they offered all the colors in the 5000 Meter spools...I have also ordered some of the not like it as well at all...the sheen is not as good as the Metro and the spools are much chubbier around...not as easy for me to store...and they take up much more room on the multi-spool thread stand..I will not get the Sigma again....
I was surprised about the sheen difference with Sigma. I bought a couple when they were on sale. I do prefer the Metro sheen.
The nice thing about Metro thread is that I have never had any bad spools and no breaking issues either.
I can't believe how cheap they are! Thread is very much more expensive here in UK.
Most embroidery thread here is very expensive. Some of the bigger names are more than $10 a spool. I can actually afford this thread. It does have a beautiful sheen too.
I use them on both brother 270SE, and Babylock Ellegante. Had no problems with my Ellageo either. I did get the thread chart, which helps in choosing. I'm looking now, like I need more thread!
This might be a very good reason for me to try this brand.
I bought some a couple of years ago and my Bernina accepted them ok. They have a nice sheen and good selection of colors. I still like RA the best, but I am always willing to try a different brand.