by haleymax 13 Feb 2016

I ask for your prayers for my brother-in-law. He is to have surgery Thurs, Feb. 18, 2016 to replace a heart valve. His condition is such that they can't do open chest surgery, but must go thru the groin.

Thank you.
His wife doesn't drive and he is now unable to drive. We will be leaving Wed. to take him to the hospital.


by cfidl 13 Feb 2016

I pray for a complete recovery.

by pennifold 13 Feb 2016

Prayers are being said as I type - I know God listens to all who ask in faith. Love Chris

by peafarm 13 Feb 2016

My prayer are for you all. In 2005 my heart Dr. was going to do heart valve replacement [twice--said I needed it] I had congestive heart failure. Several DX going on at once. Had a test called TEE where they put a camera down your throat to view the back of the heart. Another Dr. said I could wait for now. I still have aortic valve regurgitation and a rapid heart rate but doctor now says to come in if I feel I am having a problem. I feel very much that prayers work. I've seen it first hand. I've also had breast cancer at the age of 38 and underwent radical mastectomy in 1991. I will be directing prayers in that direction for sure. God be with you all.

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 13 Feb 2016

Continuing prayers for you too Patti. Love Chris

by sdrise 13 Feb 2016

Prayers are with you all!

by zoefzoef 13 Feb 2016

Hoping for the best and I'll pray for all of you

by crafter2243 Moderator 13 Feb 2016

I will be praying for a successful surgery, peace for his wife and a save trip for all.

by graceandham 13 Feb 2016

Will pray for both of them and their driver.

by 02kar Moderator 13 Feb 2016

My prayers are added. Please keep us informed.

by lbrow 13 Feb 2016

Will be remembering you all in prayer/Lillian

by jrob Moderator 13 Feb 2016

Praying for your safe trip and a successful surgery for your brother, Maxine. Be careful traveling.

by momofeight 13 Feb 2016

prayers being said

by gdsteliga 13 Feb 2016

Prayers are with you. It is amazing what medical professionals can do today.

God bless