by Ossineu 06 Mar 2016

For my granddaughter, I did a small stuffed animal. I hope she is pleased about this little cuddly pet.


by lidiad 23 Mar 2016

He is so cute, adorable!
Hugs, Lidia

1 comment
Ossineu by Ossineu 24 Mar 2016

Lidia, Thank you very much.
Hugs, Angelika

by katydid 17 Mar 2016

oh! so cut!!!

1 comment
Ossineu by Ossineu 18 Mar 2016

Thank you very much.

by sira 17 Mar 2016

Sooo cute! I I checked the website you gave and I was wondering that there are two prices for this little cuddly pet? Is there a difference between these two - have to find out. I I have not studied German, so I rely on Google Translate :) Anyway - you did a great job!

Ossineu by Ossineu 17 Mar 2016

I also use a translation program, because my English is not so good. I hope that everything is understandable. First once many thanks for your comment.
There is a difference with both versions. With the version for 7.99 € the pattern is contained for the cat and, in addition, the embroidery file for the face. The closer manual contains many pictures, so that you can well recognize how the cat appears.I hope, I could help you.
Hugs, Angelika

tjledvina by tjledvina 24 Mar 2016

Could you post the website again? I did see this and I would love to add him to my collection.

by pldc 13 Mar 2016

You have done a terrific job ~hugs~

1 comment
Ossineu by Ossineu 13 Mar 2016

Thank you very much.

by jrob Moderator edited 13 Mar 2016

Little arms should fit nicely around this soft kitty.

1 comment
Ossineu by Ossineu 13 Mar 2016

Thank you very much.

by wesihom 13 Mar 2016

Hallo Angelika.
ein Garfield... ganz schöne Arbeit. Richtig zum Knuddeln. Würde ich auch gerne nacharbeiten...

1 comment
Ossineu by Ossineu 13 Mar 2016

Hallo Madeleine,
vielen Dank. Kansst du machen, die Anleitung ist von hier:
Viel Spaß
Gruß Angelika

by sjbrower 08 Mar 2016

He is a cutie. I love the color too. What a great idea to use a microfiber blanket. Your grandaughter will love him!

1 comment
Ossineu by Ossineu 09 Mar 2016

Thank you very much. I hope so:-)
Hugs, Angelika

by toogie 08 Mar 2016

She will love him,as we all do! Like the color of him, too. Great job!

1 comment
Ossineu by Ossineu 08 Mar 2016

Thank you , Toogie.
The pattern was in this color. Since I could not find a suitable fabric, I took a blanket made of microfibre. Which is much softer than any fabric :-)
Hugs, Angelika

by arlene 07 Mar 2016

He is so cuddly looking.

1 comment
Ossineu by Ossineu 07 Mar 2016

Thank you very much.

by maggiecal 07 Mar 2016

That is just darling - co cute and soft :-)

1 comment
Ossineu by Ossineu 07 Mar 2016

Thank you very much.

by RockyB 07 Mar 2016

He is so cute! I'm sure he'll be loved!

1 comment
Ossineu by Ossineu 07 Mar 2016

Thank you very much. I hope so:-)

by Barbaric 07 Mar 2016

He looks very cuddly and happy

1 comment
Ossineu by Ossineu 07 Mar 2016

Thank you very much.

by bejoscha 07 Mar 2016

So sweet and cute, love to have one too :-)

1 comment
Ossineu by Ossineu 07 Mar 2016

Thank you very much.I also consider to make another for myself:-)

by sonjapotgieter 06 Mar 2016

I think he is Too cute and Adorable!!!She is going to Lovvvveee him for sure...Beautiful!!!

1 comment
Ossineu by Ossineu 06 Mar 2016

Thank you very much.

by sewdeb 06 Mar 2016

What a cutie! I'm sure it will be a hit with your granddaughter ~ she's gonna love it to bits!

1 comment
Ossineu by Ossineu 06 Mar 2016

Thank you very much. I hope she will love it:-)

by drh2276 06 Mar 2016

Just adorable! +++

1 comment
Ossineu by Ossineu 06 Mar 2016

Thank you very much.

by liliana1 06 Mar 2016

Very cute , your granddaughter will adore it.

1 comment
Ossineu by Ossineu 06 Mar 2016

Thank you very much.

by gerryvb 06 Mar 2016

oh I love it, and so will she I'm sure !

1 comment
Ossineu by Ossineu 06 Mar 2016

Thank you very much.
I hope it:-)

by spendlove Moderator 06 Mar 2016


1 comment
Ossineu by Ossineu 06 Mar 2016

Thank you very much.

by basketkase 06 Mar 2016

My favorite by far......great project...

1 comment
Ossineu by Ossineu 06 Mar 2016

Thank you Vicki, I love cats and got one back, but our dog hates cats :-(

by legare 06 Mar 2016

it's adorable fat cat lovely

1 comment
Ossineu by Ossineu 06 Mar 2016

Thank you very much.

by MuseandSew 06 Mar 2016

I absolutely love your cat! It's so adorable!

1 comment
Ossineu by Ossineu 06 Mar 2016

Thank you very much.

by greytgirl 06 Mar 2016

Your granddaughter is going to love the adorable cat you made for her!

1 comment
Ossineu by Ossineu 06 Mar 2016

Thank you very much. I hope it.

by peafarm 06 Mar 2016

Very cute stuffie. Wished I knew how to digitize--should have learned years ago. She should be very happy with this cuddly baby.

Ossineu by Ossineu 06 Mar 2016

Thank you very much.
This is a purchased file. I can not digitize itself unfortunately also. Only the face is a machine embroidery applique design. The rest was made with the sewing machine.

peafarm by peafarm 08 Mar 2016

Well you have done a super job. He is adorable.

by teun 06 Mar 2016

Ich weiss das sie ihn mag,er sieht toll aus

1 comment
Ossineu by Ossineu 06 Mar 2016

Vielen Dank. Mir gefällt er auch so gut, dass ich überlege, noch eine für mich zu machen :-)

by crafter2243 Moderator 06 Mar 2016

Die Enkelin mag ihn bestimmt. Ganz gut gemacht. So suess..

1 comment
Ossineu by Ossineu 06 Mar 2016

Vielen Dank Angie.
Liebe Grüße, Angelika

by elemausi 06 Mar 2016


1 comment
Ossineu by Ossineu 06 Mar 2016

Thank you very much.

by decojo 06 Mar 2016

Super cute!

1 comment
Ossineu by Ossineu 06 Mar 2016

Thank you very much.

by sewydog1 06 Mar 2016

Was für ein süßer knubbeliger Kerl, toll gemacht :) Ist das ITH?
Magst du verraten von wem das Design stammt?

Ossineu by Ossineu 06 Mar 2016

Vielen lieben Dank. Nein, kein ITH. Das Gesicht ist eine Stickdatei und der Rest wird mit der Nähmaschine gemacht.
Schicke Dir eine PM:-)

sewydog1 by sewydog1 06 Mar 2016

Das wäre lieb :). Auf jeden Fall ist er supersüß geworden.

by mysew1325 06 Mar 2016

she will love this little guy.. just darling..

1 comment
Ossineu by Ossineu 06 Mar 2016

Thank you very much.

by gougousse 06 Mar 2016

REally beautiful, your GD will love it sure to 200%
Hugs, Céline...Have a nice day

1 comment
Ossineu by Ossineu 06 Mar 2016

Céline, thank you very much and have a nice day, too.

by bemara 06 Mar 2016

oh, Garfield ist wieder da - der ist ja süß, dem muß man ja knuddeln :-)), liebe Grüße, Maria >^•^<

1 comment
Ossineu by Ossineu 06 Mar 2016

Vielen lieben Dank, Maria. Ja, als ich ihn gesehen habe, mußte ich die Anleitung sofort haben und ihn nacharbeiten.
Viele Grüße, Angelika

by noah 06 Mar 2016

She will love him i do looks well done hugs

1 comment
Ossineu by Ossineu 06 Mar 2016

Thank you very much.

by 02kar Moderator 06 Mar 2016

I know she is going to love this cuddly animal. I see many a hug in their future. Well done

1 comment
Ossineu by Ossineu 06 Mar 2016

Thank you very much. I hope it will be her favorite stuffed animal:-)

by dragonflyer 06 Mar 2016


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Ossineu by Ossineu 06 Mar 2016

Thank you very much.

by michemb 06 Mar 2016

he is adorable, I am sure she will be over the moon with her new friend

1 comment
Ossineu by Ossineu 06 Mar 2016

Thank you very much. I hope it will be her favorite stuffed animal:-)

by airyfairy 06 Mar 2016

may I be the first to congratulate you on this amazing stuffed cat. He is beautiful and the tail just looks amazing.

1 comment
Ossineu by Ossineu 06 Mar 2016

Thank you very much. Yes, the design is very funny.
Hugs, Angelika