I agree with Martine...this does not look like a push/pull issue...it looks like the fabric might have shifted while it was stitching...to answer your question about push/pull...if you were to adjust the nodes, yes, that would mean that you would "miss-align" that part of the design so that when it stitched, it would stitch correctly...if it were a circle, it would look like a slight oval and not a perfect circle...hope that makes sense..
I don't think this has to do with push/pull, which is not so much dependent on the machine you use, but on the fabric - a nice middle weight cotton being the easiest to use. Density of the design is of great importance too.
Those sharp points can be a problem when using columns and satin stitches for an outline, single or treble stitches are easier, but the slight knots caused by tie-on/tie-off stitches are more obvious. I can't see what stitch you used even in magnification, so can't say anything helpful about that.
You could set the end node just slightly to the right or edit the stitch by hand as it is only out at that point. Outlines are difficult when thin (and I guess that's why auto-digitising uses rather thick satin stitches to hide any gaps).
Hi Mops. Thank you for your reply. I used two layers of underlay in orange (maybe that's too much?) and then the normal fill stitch at 4mm stitch length and 0.45mm distance between the stitches and at 45 degree angle (the program is in German so my apologies for not using the correct English terms). The red colour is on top at a stitch length of 4mm and the distance between the stitches is 2mm at 0 degrees (horizontal). As you said, the whole design might be too dense. I will try to 'lighten' the design a bit. I stitched it on cotton fabric with a heavy weight cut away stabilizer. Thank you for your help. I will work on it more tomorrow.
I can't help - but I know there are a lot of digitisers on here who will come along shortly and help you out. Good luck with it all. Love Chris, Newcastle, Australia.
Hi Chris, thank you for you reply. I live in Northern Queensland. Considering this is a website used from all over the world, it is not that far. Thank you for your comment. Edith