I have been able to chat each day with Skype , they are getting over the jet lag .They are having a week in LA before they go back to start work at camp >Steve our son went to a Lego shop today and had a ball , he is very good at designing scenes ,he had one in an exhibition here in Sydney the week before he left .Thank you for all your prayers
They have landed in the US and arrived at Redwood Glen safe and sound ,now to get used to the 17 hour time difference
Redwood Glen is a lovely peaceful and quiet area... been past it many many times. Please don't fret about them.
I am sure they will be Welcomed with open arms. What an opportunity for them to not only pass on the Lords word but our Aussie sense of humour and down to earth way of living.
I met my Husband more than 50 years ago at the Salvation Youth Group at Congress Hall in Adelaide. Will have been married 50 years this year.
Onmy prayer list now. God Bless him and his family for this wonderful work he has been led to do/Lillian
Come Nov I will have volunteered 10 years for the Salvation Army as a Social Services Intake receptionist. Truly enjoy what I do and have met some lovely people.
Good for your son and prayers for safe travel. Exciting times for them to relay back to you.
Bless you in your work ,,Our son and Daughter in law are Officers (captains) In the Salvation Army and feel led to do this work in the US
That's a beautiful area of California! I hope they enjoy their time here.
I pray for save travel, that they will get settled soon, find friends and support. My hat off to them for doing this. My heart goes out to you, because I know how it feels when family members are on the other side of the world.
What a wonderful calling. I hope they are welcomed with open arms and find life here agreeable.You may feel like they are in another universe, I would were the situation reversed. Perhaps you can visit often. My prayers are offered up for your family and for you as see them off.
Wow! I did not know they had such things. Pray all goes well for the entire family.
What a wonderful time they will have, prayers for a safe journey and a fulfilling life whilst there. Love Chris