I just fed the squirrels, bluejays, cardinals and the hummingbirds. The woodpeckers are on the trees and it's soothing to hear their tap-a tap sounds. My hydrandega's and lillies of the nile are getting ready to bloom, all my herbs are coming up fine.My lavender has been picked and I mmade a beautiful bouquet for my entry. When it drys I will make sachet bags.I am starting to feel good again.Thank you Sue for your encouraging words. I'm sharing my cup of tea.
I hope we all spend many an hour enjoying the outdoors with you. Our yard is quite natural. We call it the field of 40 shades of green. It has a lot of weeds but as long as they are green they are mowed and left to live or die.
I used to love to put two perennials that were known as thugs, that replicate fast, into a flower bed and let them duke it out. May the best flower, or in this case, weed, win!
I have gone to the mail box with my connection. Nice to know!
I sit outside with my laptop whenever the weather is nice. It is very handy when trying to identify snakes. :)
It feels like all I have is weeds, which I have been pulling today, however my lilacs did survive and I have some lovely tulips in my yard. But tons of dandelions and this awful vine clover. I can honestly say I have not used any herbicides on my lawn. Friends, please do not use roundup or its associated chemicals
Thank You, I see nothing wrong with dandelions and put nothing on my yard. I feel we are Up North, I like the look. It was in the 80's today. Only problem with this heat, tulips and other spring will not last.
I do not have a problem with dandelions until they turn white. Lol! I started 3 years ago weeding after 20 years of neglect. I had an invasive field bind weed. That weed was a whole lot easier to pull than what has replaced it. UGH, so I am just managing them, back yard is a free for all right now.