by gillemmerson 13 May 2016

Has anyone tries emblibrary designs which cost a dollar especially the poppies and the yellow boot. They don't seem to fit very well any comments welcome please


by Patricia109 29 May 2016

I discussed this problem with a few embroiderers. The most popular comment was increase the size of the embroidery by 10% on your machine without it increasing your stitch count or run it through Embrilliance's Density Repair Kit.
I do both as I do not like to have my needle twanging at me.

by cfidl 18 May 2016

I used to have trouble early on only to find out my cotton thread was too thick and I needed to enlarge the design if I could to reduce the density. Now I use what everyone else uses and use cutaway stabilizer.

by gillemmerson 15 May 2016

I contacted a emblibrary and apparently it is the stabiliser that is at fault should not have used tear away. Pity I didn't know that before.

1 comment
peafarm by peafarm 15 May 2016

Yes, a lot of their designs are high density designs. I believe they tell us to use 1.5 oz Cutaway on most things but sometimes another layer is in order or use at least a 2.0 on the heavily stitched designs. They have great pdf instructions with stabilizer, type needles and types of fabrics. I've downloaded them all for reference. Also have videos on YouTube.

by peafarm 15 May 2016

I love Emblibrary designs. I have spent a forturne there and only when designs on sale so I have a lot. Every design I have stitched have stitched beautifully. Now a days I am finding I am purchasing designs that don't take hours to stitch but they have all been beautiful. As others have said, buy the size that fits your hoop. Most machines will let you resize 20% larger and 10% smaller when you put them in the editing screen 1st.

by pennyhal2 15 May 2016

Did you buy the right size for your hoop?

by pennifold 15 May 2016

The smallest design on the Boot and flowers is for a 5x7 hoop. They go up from there - Available in four sizes: 6.89" x 10.32" and 5.86" x 8.78" and 5.21" x 7.81" and 4.58" x 6.87. I do not know what size hoop you have Gill, but usually the 5x7 is the most common one besides the 4x4, which is not offered with this design. Please give us some more information. Love Chris

by sewist1 15 May 2016

What do you mean by they don't seem to fit very well?

by bevintex 13 May 2016

send a message to emblibrary about the issues you have with it, they do contact you back with answers

by laffma1 13 May 2016

I've never had an issue with any of their designs. Each design I've used so far has stitched out very well. Perhaps if you tell us which design (#) you are referring to, someone can give you a more specific review of it. Hope you can resolve whatever the problem is and finish your project. Good luck.

by Janus48 13 May 2016

What number is the design?? I've never had a problem with their designs. They're usually very high quality, but sometimes a bit dense.