by basketkase 19 Jul 2016

We are having a heat wave, so cooled myself down with a winter design......this one is called Coffee Friends and will be up on my website tonight........


by lbrow 20 Jul 2016

Great way to cool off. Heat index here is way over 100 degrees. I'm thankful for air-conditioning. Only problem is with Ron and his blood thinners, he stays cold soooo I wrap him in a blanket while I stand over air vent LOL Nice job Vicki/Lillian

basketkase by basketkase 20 Jul 2016

I can imagine it is quite the dance of compromising....I could not go without air, thankfully Ron can cozy up with a blanket.
I noticed a couple of kitties laying by the air vent......imagine with all that fur!!

pennyhal2 by pennyhal2 20 Jul 2016

Were doing that dance here too. The sewing machine doesn't seem to care what the weather is. So it's nice to do ME any time of year.

by sandralane 19 Jul 2016

Great design. Sandra.

by pennifold 19 Jul 2016

A gorgeous design and wow, you poor guys are having a hot time over there in the USA whilst here in Newcastle today we are having a rainy day. It's beautiful and only 18C about 64F. Hope your heatwave diminishes soon! Love Chris

by Ossineu 19 Jul 2016

Wonderful design. Love the little snowman:-)

by pldc 19 Jul 2016

You did a terrific job Vicki! ~hugs~

by dragonflyer 19 Jul 2016

Very cute...we need a cool down in California...suppose to be triple digits by Thursday...only about 95 today...

by pennyhal2 19 Jul 2016

A great sentiment! Cute little coaster for the cup too! Nicely done!

by noah 19 Jul 2016

So very true Love this one hugs

by 02kar Moderator 19 Jul 2016

It's great for winter.

by bevintex 19 Jul 2016

It's hot in Texas too,think I'll have the iced tea