by snoukems 07 Aug 2016

Greetings Cuties. I would like to find an embroidery maze that I can attach to party favors for a birthday party. Does anyone know where I could find one? I would prefer something in the 4x4 range but I can do 5x7. I have some pretty neat chalkboard fabric and thought this would be a neat way to use it. Thanks in advance!



by sewtired 07 Aug 2016

I'm not sure what kind of maze you have in mind, but Designs by Sick has a set of Halloween mazes, one is an apple and one a fairly plain square that you might adapt to a birthday theme with an added small design. Good luck in your search.

sewtired by sewtired 07 Aug 2016

I tried to add a link, but got an error. I hope this isn't a nono.

killiecrankie by killiecrankie 08 Aug 2016

I immediately thought of this one .Tried your link & it worked perfectly

snoukems by snoukems 08 Aug 2016

Oh those are cute! Thank you all!

by hart 07 Aug 2016

Check Thread and scissors

hart by hart 07 Aug 2016

thread and scissors, activity sheets ts071. They on sale for $1.00

snoukems by snoukems 07 Aug 2016

I haven't seen the site before. Thank you! Those should work.