So nice of friend to digitize these frames for you. Now you get to decide what you want to embroider on them. I do like the idea of different seasons etc. where the dividing line is.
Nice shapes. I might write on them if it was me... :)
The edging is beautifully done I see a tree one side summer or spring the other autumn or winter
I think it needs something to dress it up a bit. Surprise us Carolyn.
Carolyn, you do not seem to know what slow is, you are incredible. Shapes are great, i see flowers or tiny butterflies and bees. You will come up with something super i am sure. Sandra.
Great shapes. Knowing you, you will comeup with some super duper something to decorate these shapes with
I'm drawing a big blank. Like the idea of a face. Can't wait to see what you do with them.
Plain is fine, but I'd love to see this design in some floral or geometric fabrics too Carolyn. It would be great for a vase to sit on, a doily or you could use it as a base for a Father Christmas/Santa face. I can see a face in this design! Where you have the centre stitching line you could make it in white and use the top section as his hat!! Just a thought. Love Chris
clean on one side dirty on the other for the dishwasher?
Even with having to rest your shoulder, you still do more than a lot of us = not sure how you manage!!
Looking good!
What are you going to use these for? That would determine what else you do with them as far as design or text.
no clue??I was just playing with the shapes this is two pieces and i wanted to see if i could match them up??What do u think???
Carolyn your output is amazing, I must only do 1% of what you create. I now look forwards to the many replies that you will get to this
Lol thanks for your kind words ,i am resting a sore shoulder so i am going slow (or so i thought ) hugs