I wouldn't tack the knots as then you won't be able to undo them. I agree with everyone else just give it another starch bath! It looks great! Love Chris
This is a super project, well done it looks terrific. I would do as peafarm says and stiffen a little more to keep the shape, the knots look good. Sandra.
If you have scraps of your water soluable stabilizer left, melt them in water and put the piece back in to soak or spray it on. Cover it with a cloth and dry press over it or each piece. Just a thought. Very lovely.
I would zig zag the pieces together then add the knotts but it is very nice Christie hugs
Lovely basket, but I do think it needs a boost of starch to stiffen it up. I do like the knots...they are a nice touch, and would probably stand up better with the additional starching. I might starch it heavily with either the white glue mixture..some use Hodge Podge, but I have not tried that myself yet...I stay away from sugar water as pieces can get munched on by critters when stored. Of course there is always good ole cornstarch and water...Once starched, I would probably invert is over something to help maintain the bowl shape until it was dry...just spit balling out loud here...
Beautiful, Christine.....personally I like the knots....gives a truly handmade look.....