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by Abbygail ( edited 05 Oct 2016 ) 05 Oct 2016

I haven't been on here for a couple of days . I've been preparing for Hurricane Matthew to arrive. Please pray for all of us in the path of Matthew. I know I

sure am .. Thank you ..


by sewdeb 07 Oct 2016

Please stay safe. You and all those who are in Mathew's path are in my thoughts and prayers.

by pacmp 06 Oct 2016

That storm is a doozy, it has already caused over 100 deaths in the Bahamas. I am hoping that all who can evacuate, that they do so, and then in reference to those with a not nice frame of mind, that would be thinking of taking advantage of people not home to stop them from evil doing- just praying they will have a change of heart and just not do it.

I believe that we are living in the last days and we will continue to see ever growing trials until our Savior comes again. All we can do is to prepare as best as we are able and draw even closer to the Lord- trying to be vigilant about trying to hear the spiritual promptings so that he can help guide us to where we need to be, whether that is for our own safety or that we need to be lead to know how to help others during/after that trial. May each be blessed to know how to keep yourselves and your family & friends safe and have our hearts and eyes open to ways we may be able to help others in need. Prayers continuing for all from the storms path to those serving in dire conditions to those in areas of war, prayers blanketing the Earth and all that are "on life's billows being tempest tossed" praying that lives will be spared and hearts will be drawn to the Father, in pleas for safety and then hopefully prayers of thanksgiving- but in all things, "in thy will be done". If called to go through this or any trial, my prayer is that we can each learn from those trials of life, that all will be for our ultimate benefit and draw us closer to our Savior and to our Father in Heaven.

by Abbygail 06 Oct 2016

Quick up date then I off here. THANK YOU ALL for all the prayers ! Keep them coming please. Just now starting to feel the effects of the outer bands .. raining and windy ! Again Thank you ! Please do be offended that I didn't reply to everyone individually, just don't have the time, lighting and heavy rains now with strong wind.

by osueo 06 Oct 2016

Praying for safety for all down there and for all who are evacuating. Praying for speedy recovery for those hit by the storm. May JESUS OUR LORD AND SAVIOR keep Y'all safe and dry and warm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

by ansienaude 06 Oct 2016

may the Lord keep all of you safe in my prayers

by ksgram1 06 Oct 2016

A special prayer being said for you and yours. Been praying for days for all effected. It's the least I can do. We are even being effected by it here in Kansas. We had horrible thunderstorms all night and it continues this morning. May we all use good judgment and stay safe.

by cfidl 06 Oct 2016

Yes! and please keep in touch!

by basketkase 06 Oct 2016

Yes, prayers for brother and his family live in Jax & Orlando....
Pray this hurricane switches its path and goes out to sea.....

basketkase by basketkase 06 Oct 2016

Just heard from my brother, he is staying put with his wife in Jax......I sure hope he knows what he is doing.......don't know yet where my nephew is in Orlando......waiting to find out...

Abbygail by Abbygail 06 Oct 2016

Boy I do too Jax is suppose to get hit really hard !

Smokey12 by Smokey12 06 Oct 2016

Prayers to JAX and Orlando. Both look like they will be hit hard. Let us know when you know they are ok.

sewdeb by sewdeb 07 Oct 2016

They all have my prayers. Please let us know any updates you might get. Hugs, Deb

by jrob Moderator 06 Oct 2016

I'm praying that everyone who can evacuates. It's just not worth the risk of staying. My cousins who live in Savannah nay be on the way to my house to wait it out. May all be safe, Lord.

by sjbrower 06 Oct 2016

Hope you and your family are safe Abbygail. We got evacuation notice for North Florida Beaches yesterday and will be leaving home this morning to go inland. This storm looks like it will affect everyone east of I-95 in Florida. My prayers that everyone is safe.

by sdrise 06 Oct 2016

Prayers are coming your way.. Hope all of you are safe...

by Abbygail 05 Oct 2016

My husband went to the corner gas station to fill our car up and they were sold out !!!

by bevintex 05 Oct 2016

Take care and be safe.

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Abbygail by Abbygail 05 Oct 2016

Thank you Bev . We have done everything we know to do to prepare. Now it's down to waiting it out. We do have a generator in the event we loose power. We just bought our monthly meat supply and it is in the freezer so at least we could power that.

by pldc 05 Oct 2016

prayers for everyone, it does look bad but perhaps it will loose much of it's power

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Abbygail by Abbygail 05 Oct 2016

Thank you , we need them. They are predicting it will make landfall in Florida tomorrow.

by dragonflyer 05 Oct 2016

I hope all will heed the warnings and evacuate if can be replaced, but lives cannot...

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Abbygail by Abbygail 05 Oct 2016

Thank you .. you are right. Please pray for us.

by Smokey12 05 Oct 2016

I am concerned for those in the path and offer prayers for every ones safety. Daughter sent animals to us since she is under mandatory evacuation but is also a first responder and may not go home till it is all over. We are also in the path but a higher elevation. Now it is a wait and see time, but at least I can sew :)

Abbygail by Abbygail 05 Oct 2016

Thank you ! And I thank your Daughter for her service. Good to hear that you are at a higher elevation. Praying for all.

ksgram1 by ksgram1 06 Oct 2016

A special prayer being said for your daughter, Smokey 12.

by lbrow 05 Oct 2016

Have been thinking of everyone in that path. I pray you will be OK/Lillian

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Abbygail by Abbygail 05 Oct 2016

Thank you Lillian.

by Abbygail 05 Oct 2016

I think tomorrow is going to be ugly.

by rescuer Moderator 05 Oct 2016

I am thankful I live far enough inland that my family is safe from Hurricane Matthew. I am praying for all those in its path.

Abbygail by Abbygail 05 Oct 2016

Thank you ! I think we are going to need all the prayers we can get.

Abbygail by Abbygail 05 Oct 2016

Good to hear that you are inland. Thank you for your prayers.

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by pennifold edited 05 Oct 2016

Prayers are being said for your safety during Hurricane Matthew's path . Love Chris

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Abbygail by Abbygail 05 Oct 2016

Thanks Chris. It's suppose to be a pretty devastating hurricane.