by pldc 20 Oct 2016

Here is Mr. Grayson's case. He just recently lost his first tooth so this will be just right for him. I added the ribbon so he can hang it up in his room. He has a device to help him speak & an Ipad so he is in need of cord wraps too.


by decojo 21 Oct 2016

Super cute!

1 comment
pldc by pldc 21 Oct 2016

thank you Joyce ~hugs~

by lbrow 21 Oct 2016

Very nice!

1 comment
pldc by pldc 21 Oct 2016

thanks so much ~hugs~

by katydid 20 Oct 2016


1 comment
pldc by pldc 21 Oct 2016

thanks Kay ~hugs~

by pennifold 20 Oct 2016

Just been to the dentist today for my 6 monthly checkup - all is wonderful. Luv this little bag well done, luv Chris

1 comment
pldc by pldc 21 Oct 2016

well done Chris, I have been today as well ~hugs~

by Smokey12 20 Oct 2016

Very cute. Love the tooth bag. That would be great for my dentist's office staff.

1 comment
pldc by pldc 20 Oct 2016

it was a freebie from disorderly threads some time ago. Thank you very much ~hugs~

by Ossineu 20 Oct 2016

Wonderful presents. Well done.
Hugs, Angelika

1 comment
pldc by pldc 20 Oct 2016

thank you Angelika, very much. It is nice to have you back with us. ~hugs~

by 02kar Moderator 20 Oct 2016

Great gifts for very special reasons. I hope the tooth fairy is generous.

1 comment
pldc by pldc 20 Oct 2016

we are..... uh I mean yes she is lol thank you Karen ~hugs~

by babash 20 Oct 2016

Would make me happy to lose a tooth just to be able to put it in the bag. Love the face on the bag.
He will love it well done.

1 comment
pldc by pldc 20 Oct 2016

thank you Barbara but not me I have enough trouble keeping mine lol ~hugs~

by grannycottage 20 Oct 2016

Really cute. Well done.

1 comment
pldc by pldc 20 Oct 2016

thank you so much ~hugs~

by noah 20 Oct 2016

cute cute***cute***

1 comment
pldc by pldc 20 Oct 2016

thanks my friend friend friend lol

by sonjapotgieter 20 Oct 2016

Awesome design!!!Great work

1 comment
pldc by pldc 20 Oct 2016

thank you Sonja ~hugs~

by zoefzoef 20 Oct 2016

Nice idea !

1 comment
pldc by pldc 20 Oct 2016

Thanks so much Raelene ( I hope I spelled this right)

by basketkase 20 Oct 2016

Very cool design......nicely stitched.......

1 comment
pldc by pldc 20 Oct 2016

Manky thanks Vicki ~hugs~