by dennis999 27 Oct 2016

Good afternoon Cutie ladies. This is really a question for those of you who, like me, prefer to use Madeira threads for my machine embroidery. I am trying to identify the correct colour code to give a realistic white skin tone and also one that displays as a light tan tone. I do have Madeira's full swatch card and have tried several of what I thought looked right but none have proven particularly realistic. Of course, it may be my old eyes going dim but any help you can provide would be appreciated. Bunches of roses to everyone...............even if you can't help with Madeira.


by dollygk 28 Oct 2016

Hello Dennis, remember that human skin color is not white.... there are so many different shades of human "white" skin that almost any tan, ecru, light pinks and eggshell color will do! Just use the color that best suits the design is all I can advise. Hope this helps!!

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dennis999 by dennis999 28 Oct 2016

All comments are always welcome and, of course, you are right about shades and tones. Thank you.

by pennifold 27 Oct 2016

Sorry 😐 Dennis I can't help with Madeira either. I use mostly Robison Anton FLESH 2143 lot 260954. As for the light tan I don't have any thread that I can suggest. I do hope you can sort it out and maybe get some new glasses he he he!!!!!! Love from your Aussie mate (you know I'm only pulling your chain) luv Chris

1 comment
dennis999 by dennis999 27 Oct 2016 it happens I have new glasses on my list. I'm trying to help your economy down your way having just taken delivery of three lovely tree ferns which now have pride of place in the semi-tropical section of my garden...............and beautiful they look too.

by babash 27 Oct 2016

Sorry Dennis I use Marathon thread for skin tone number 1039.
But thought I would add my 2 Bobs worth as the saying goes.
A lot depends on the colour of the fabric you are embroidering on as to how it looks in the finished design.

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dennis999 by dennis999 27 Oct 2016

Yes, you are so right about the impact that the colour and texture of the fabric has on the final result. Thank you for your 2 bobsworth though.

by airyfairy 27 Oct 2016

Sorry I cannot help you Dennis but just want to say how great it is to see you here.

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dennis999 by dennis999 27 Oct 2016

Thank you. Somebody has got to keep an eye on you lot!!

by pennyhal2 27 Oct 2016

Yes, i too have trouble getting the skin tone just right. I find that going lighter than what the spool looks like works better for me. I, too, love Madeira. There's something about their rayon that I especially enjoy.

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dennis999 by dennis999 27 Oct 2016

Thank you. I mainly use their Poly and get good results all round................but skin tones are difficult to get right as you say.

by meganne 27 Oct 2016

Hi Dennis, one of my designs shows Madeira 1127 being used for flesh.
I know this probably won't help you much but I use Robison Anton and the colour I use most for flesh is called bisque 5677 Poly 2377 Rayon.
I'm afraid I haven't found anything similar to match it in Madeira colours.
Hugs n roses, Meg

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dennis999 by dennis999 27 Oct 2016

Thanks Meganne. Interesting that 1127 is not listed for either Poly or Rayon in their own list as linked by Mrs J. Flesh tones are a bit difficult to get right, I find. Thank you for the additional info though.

by graceandham 27 Oct 2016

Dennis, have you tried the snow white and added pink cheeks? That might give you that peaches and cream British child look I saw! Big hug hello..

dennis999 by dennis999 27 Oct 2016

Just as well you haven't seen a photograph of me then......................LOL

graceandham by graceandham 27 Oct 2016

I'm what's referred to as Couch Potato White. Everyone working on their tan compares to my wrist.

by basketkase 27 Oct 2016

I know the feeling when trying to get a skin tone........the colorings are so close on the spool then when you stitch it, it will look entirely different.....I use Isacord, Dennis, so can't help with this, but see that Jerilyn has already come along to help great to see you!!!!

1 comment
dennis999 by dennis999 27 Oct 2016

Thank you Vicki. You are so right regarding the tone differences between what looks right on the spool as against how the tone machines out. And of course, typically these tone kits are not available in the UK but at least I now have their corresponding code numbers, thanks to Mrs. J.

by jrob Moderator 27 Oct 2016

Dennis, look at link and see if any of these shades help you. It also lists the numbers. Hope this helps.

dennis999 by dennis999 27 Oct 2016

Thank you for your kindness Mrs J. I did find this link (just after posting my thread..............doh!) and thought...........Ah! the answer to my dreams..................then discovered that they don't sell these sets in the UK. However, I'm now cross-referencing the numbers with my Madeira shade card. Thank you again for taking the time to reply.

mops by mops 27 Oct 2016

Thanks Jerrilyn, I wrote down those numbers, it might help!

crafter2243 by crafter2243 27 Oct 2016

I made note of it as well. Thank you

jrob by jrob 28 Oct 2016

At your service! ;)