by pldc 31 Oct 2016

An ornament for Grayson. This is my test design Santa-Ginger-Cookie-Ornament that I made & I have enlarged the belt because I think it is too skinny otherwise I think he turned out pretty good. What do you think


by Jamielyn 05 Nov 2016

Great beard, cute santa

by Jamielyn 05 Nov 2016

Great beard, cute santa

by lbrow 02 Nov 2016

Now who would not like this? Great job! Love the star cheeks

1 comment
pldc by pldc 03 Nov 2016

thank you so very much ~hugs~

by cfidl 01 Nov 2016

Excellent.Love the beard.

1 comment
pldc by pldc 01 Nov 2016

thank you Christine

by justsew 01 Nov 2016

He looks great , the beard is lovely .
Hugs Pam

1 comment
pldc by pldc 01 Nov 2016

Thanks so very much Pam ~hugs~

by crazypatchmama 01 Nov 2016

he looks cute, with his kissable lips :)

1 comment
pldc by pldc 01 Nov 2016

Thanks so very much Mary, I was afraid they were too big ~hugs~

by sandralane 31 Oct 2016

I think Gran is a very clever lady, and Grayson will love it. Sandra.

1 comment
pldc by pldc 01 Nov 2016

Thanks so very much Sandra ~hugs~

by dragonflyer 31 Oct 2016

I'm sure Grayson will love it...

1 comment
pldc by pldc 01 Nov 2016


by bemara 31 Oct 2016

sooo cute :-)

1 comment
pldc by pldc 01 Nov 2016

Thanks so very much ~hugs~

by babash 31 Oct 2016

Clever idea. looks good I am sure Grayson will like it.

1 comment
pldc by pldc 31 Oct 2016

thanks so much Barbara, I sent pic to his mom & she loved it ~hugs~

by asterixsew Moderator 31 Oct 2016


1 comment
pldc by pldc 31 Oct 2016

thanks so much ~hugs~

by pennifold 31 Oct 2016

He looks good enough to eat!!! Lovely work, love Chris

1 comment
pldc by pldc 31 Oct 2016

thanks so much ~hugs~

by noah 31 Oct 2016

I have never made a stuffie lol Your Grandson should like him lol

1 comment
pldc by pldc 31 Oct 2016

thanks so much Carolyn it is fun & easy to make ~hugs~

by basketkase 31 Oct 2016


1 comment
pldc by pldc 31 Oct 2016

thanks so much ~hugs~

by sonjapotgieter 31 Oct 2016

He looks so Funky!!!Gorgeous...Well done

1 comment
pldc by pldc 31 Oct 2016

thanks so much ~hugs~