These look just right for the holidays, well done.
can you use any design?
Sort of, if it fits on the sheet of tp. Also, I was told not to use designs that are too dense. This brand is 4 inch sheets, so my design has to be smaller than that. Plus, make sure you center the design. My first try, I had to tear it off and stat again because it stitched off the paper.
Hi there I use bridle tulle and tie tops with lots of curly ribbon . Everyone loves them ,,, they put them up in that wee room and tell everyone hands off . i did one that had a pair of sexy eyes with lovely long lashes on it and gave it to a niece of mine who has a Chinese husband every time he used the toilet she would find it turned around . Told her he didnt like it looking at him LOL.
Too funny, I have to stop laughing to type. Even my dh is laughing. I will have to try the tulle, I have some. Thank you, Hugs
Wow, all I can say is that it looks really "flush". He he he!!! Love ❤️ Chris
These are just wonderful!!! Do you suggest a certain brand of TP?
The directions I have said 2 ply or 3 ply for a special gift. I used my regular ultra soft 2 ply brand.
If you use a tissue that is too soft, you'll get some fluff around the stitching.
They look perfect. Yes clear cellophane to wrap in would be perfect.