by tlp22 03 Jan 2017

2 Little gowns for some special little girls. And the blankets out of Frozen flannels and minky. So soft. One has the dark pink and one the lighter pink. Wrapped it around to meet the flannel. Made the blanket wider and no waste.


by lbrow 08 Jan 2017

How precious they are gowns and girls!. What beautiful smiles you produced with your work of love/Lillian

1 comment
tlp22 by tlp22 08 Jan 2017

Thank you Lillian. They are so funny they were at the Babysitters when the package arrived. I know the momma has a time keeping them warm in the mornings when she goes to work. So, I thought these gowns and blankets would be perfect to wrap them up maybe some pants needed but mostly they would be ready to do. Every second counts when you have little ones.

by dragonflyer 04 Jan 2017

They look so happy! Nice job...

1 comment
tlp22 by tlp22 05 Jan 2017

Thank you. That gown pattern was a bear to figure out. The directions weren't clear but, I got it finally. I think both of the little ones liked there "special" gift from Santa. They never know it's from me. Too cute.

by jrob Moderator 04 Jan 2017

Goodness, how precious! Happy baby girls for sure. :)

1 comment
tlp22 by tlp22 04 Jan 2017

Thank you. I think they were acting up for the camera. LOL! The youngest one of these 2 is a little bit of a handful.

by pennifold 04 Jan 2017

Great idea and they look very snuggly! Love ❤️ Chris

1 comment
tlp22 by tlp22 04 Jan 2017

Thanks so much Chris. It's good to be sewing again.

by sandralane 04 Jan 2017

Great work, well done. Sandra.

1 comment
tlp22 by tlp22 04 Jan 2017

thanks Sandra.

by marianb 04 Jan 2017

Very nice, the girls look pretty..

1 comment
tlp22 by tlp22 04 Jan 2017

They were very happy about the gowns. They always trip on the legs of PJ pants

by crafter2243 Moderator 04 Jan 2017

Oh they sound so cuddly. Love the colors. I bet the girls love them.

1 comment
tlp22 by tlp22 04 Jan 2017

I was lucky to find this fabric back in the summer on sale. I knew exactly what I was going to do with it. Thanks!