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by tlp22 ( edited 02 Feb 2017 ) 01 Feb 2017

Yellow has been added. 2 of a zillion of Mug mats, bowls, rugs etc; They look the exactly the same because of the fabric at this point. So I am only showing 1. The fabric to the left is what I used.


by toogie 02 Feb 2017

I really like this. It must take a lot of cording. The lighter color fabric looks like straw, like a real basket.

1 comment
tlp22 by tlp22 02 Feb 2017

Awe!!!! Thanks toogie. So far used about 40 yds. Have many more to go. Just hoping my handa hold out. LOL! The mug rugs would be perfect in a doll house. They look like miniature braided rugs.

by crafter2243 Moderator 02 Feb 2017

WOW now you are really on a roll. Results are great.

1 comment
tlp22 by tlp22 02 Feb 2017

Thank you!

by joansatx 02 Feb 2017

I like them and thank you for showing! I know you'll enjoy making more. Very nice!

1 comment
tlp22 by tlp22 02 Feb 2017

Thank you!

by jrob Moderator 01 Feb 2017

These look great and I'm sure will work equally as well, congratulations!

1 comment
tlp22 by tlp22 02 Feb 2017

Thanks so much. I got the first basket done and will now dl those photo's

getEdited - SELECT
by tlp22 edited 02 Feb 2017

Yellow grunge fabric used. The green is a mutli color floral.

by pennyhal2 01 Feb 2017

I like this technique and the color! Did you put some kind of cording inside?

1 comment
tlp22 by tlp22 01 Feb 2017

Yes, thank you. It has filler cord I bought from Nancy's Notions. 6/32 is the size. I will be doing several different colors so,stay tuned.

by asterixsew Moderator 01 Feb 2017

Love the fabric that you have used and it sounds as if you have made quite a few

1 comment
tlp22 by tlp22 01 Feb 2017

Thanks! This was the first. Well, actually the 2nd. I did a practice one.