Nice variations on the cuddly toys/fiddle thingies. For me getting the distance between the crochet stitches right is always a challenge - never exact enough to my liking when I eyeball it. Looking forward to seeing the finished edge!
There are rotary cutter blades that are notched that will cut evenly spaced small cuts that your crochet hook will fit into.
Search for skip stitch blade or skip rotary cutting blade.
I know, but I can't get them here and ordering them from the US makes them very expensive.
Love the smiling cat, cute puppy, beautiful work.
Will keep looking while your family is growing!
You are coming up with some great ideas which will be much appreciated people with dementia.
The family is coming along very nicely Sue. You have been very busy of late which is good to see that you are enjoying yourself. Wonderful skills.
Cute! Did you design this yourself or is a pattern available?