I keep the original in an "author folder." I keep the ones I am editing in my "working folder." When I'm done changing it, I put the word "edited" in the title of the design and put it in the same folder as the original. Where I store it after I stitch it out depends on what I was using it for, so it goes in an "archive folder" and have subgroups such as "aprons," "monograms," "coasters," "custuomer," etc.
I use auto save in my software and it saves as I digi.......then I test a design and change it right away if it needs tweaking and only save the design that stitches uniformly.......
Usually I save often, overwrite small steps and save finished parts as xxx-st1 etc; e.g. flower as step1, flower plus next bit as xxx-st2.
When I am satisfied I save the definite version and remove the different steps unless I made a major change along the way; in that case I also keep the version prior to that change (rename it as xxx-v1) - I might come back to it later.
Thank you. I must admit one design I forgot to save along the way and there was no going back without having to restart completely! Have learned that lesson
I usually date each edit and put each obsolete edit in a folder marked test/edits... when I am sure that the design is what a I want and have tested it...only then will I delete the trials... learned this the hard way...
I try to number them, but quite often I don't keep them at all.
I also only keep one format for my machines, as that is all i will ever use. Takes up unnecessary space. Sandra.
If I decide to play with the original design I make another folder within the folder and call it amended works for me