A very handsome cat! Thanks for letting me know the old owl was well liked.
He looks so healthy and soft and cuddly. You have taken wonderful care of him for him to live so long Lillian
Thank you Lillian. He has been well respected for all that time. He has had only one other really bad injury and we helped him and he knows that.
Beautiful cat and looks great for being 20... Hopefully he will heal soon. Keep him in please...I have seen too many bad things that can happen when cats go outside.
We have been keeping an eye on him for the past year. I messed up and went back to bed for 45 minutes. He has lost 4 lbs and now only goes out for a few minutes.
he is beautiful, hope he recovers soon, great to have such a wonderful vet isn't it.
Sounds like you have a great vet. Hope your little boy is recovering ok now
He sure has been demanding tonight (during the night). We have had the same vet for almost 20 years. She took care of our dog that passed away about a year ago. We sure miss him too.
My male cats have never accepted it when they are no longer "king of the hill". We have a pesky new young orange male in the neighborhood who is currently asserting himself. He has not realized Sugartoes is fixed and no threat to him!
I hope your kitty stays safe, as it is heartbreaking to feel helpless to help them and costly.
Your baby is beautiful. I hope he is feeling better. I understand this as they get older they don't understand they are not a young kitty anymore. We had this problem with our English blue.
He spent his first year and a half outside, until I brought him into the house and set him on a brand new piece of fleece. He melted and spent every night since inside. He is so smart. He does avoid situations, unless he can not. We have been feeding a feral black cat, and that is how the grey kitty found us.
Great that he has lived so long. Vet bills in Australia are huge! I hope he continues to improve. Love Chris
Thank you so much Chris, I also hope he stays with me a little longer. When he gets his cleaning I tell him he can curse all he wants and he does, but he has not harmed me as I hold him.